Page 127 of Temporary Vows
Chapter 64 – Constantine
Pulling back, I watchedthe struggle behind Talia’s gaze. I’d finally said it—let down my guard and aired this secret.
“An assassin?” Talia choked.
“We never knew,” she whispered.
“It’s my best kept secret. There are many powerful players on the world stage who would love for me to pay because of the lives I’ve ended.”
“How is my father still living then?”
I let out a harsh laugh. “He’s one of the few fuckers even I can’t find.”
The guards chose that moment to arrive. The security detail from Jakob was the best money could buy. But a world-famous pair of assassins...they’d nearly caught Talia. I rose, barking orders, and pulled my still-shivering wife within the protective circle of my arms. She wasn’t physically healed from the incident at the opera, and her time in the desert hadn’t helped on that score. Right now, she was on the verge of going into shock.
“No house staff is on the property, sir. They weren’t scheduled to come in until tonight because of down at the beach,” Ralph informed me, toeing the dead body. “We can remove the bodies and do a discreet disposal.”
“Cops would be messy,” Daniel admitted.
I glanced pointedly down at the dark head of hair resting against my side. “Can you two clean it up without letting housekeeping or the cook know we’ve had a break in?”
Ralph laughed as if I was crazy for even asking, but Daniel just nodded. “Yes, sir. Consider it done.”
“I’ll leave you both to it, then.” I stepped away, Talia moving as my shadow.
It didn’t rest easy to not oversee this job myself, but I had little choice. Talia needed attention. I took her straight to our bathroom. A shower was the quickest way to warm her. Once her clothing was removed, I pushed her gently toward the steaming spray.
She stopped, water sluicing off her back. “Aren’t you joining me?”
The question wasn’t meant to be seductive, but desire smoldered in my veins and my blood ran hot regardless. I wanted to sink deep into her, assuring us both that we were still alive. But she wasn’t ready for that, not yet.
I shook my head. “No, you need to shower and then rest.”
“Constantine,” she murmured, but she stopped as her gaze slid down my body. She narrowed her gaze, lifted my dress shirt, and pressed three fingers against my side. Then she dropped them lower. “These bullet holes, they weren’t from a smuggling.”