Page 75 of Temporary Vows
They disappeared, no doubt meeting Iryna in the hall. She wouldn’t be here without her own security detail. In addition to my guard stationed out there, she was likely safe.
I rose to fix my visage, glancing at myself in another mirror. All I saw was an angel of vengeance who’d broken her chains. They might have hit me my whole life, put me through terrible and psychotic training regimens, but what they didn’t realize was the monster they’d created.I’ll stop at nothing until they’re dead.
Chapter 41 – Talia
Ismoothed my hair. The elegant updo was hopelessly wrecked, so I coiled it down into a half-up. In my clutch was a compact of powder, and I hid the splotches of tears and wiped away the smudges of mascara just before Iryna burst into the room.
“You weren’t in our box! Instead, I find you hiding out with your father,” Iryna snapped, slightly pausing to take in the disarray of the room before storming toward me. “I caught you!”
“I ran into my father, yes,” I replied evenly, watching her approach. “Since he paints the façade of a legal businessman, he runs in affluent circles, after all. He wished to speak with me, and it’s rude to talk during a performance. This was the most private place we could find.”
Iryna stopped right behind me. I continued to fidget with my face as I met her narrowed gaze through the mirror. Her chest heaved, her fair features ablaze with wrath. Whatever she was so mad about, it was hard to believe that it was because I spoke to my father. Unless...she knew.
The realization shot through me. I could see Constantine confiding in his sister. They were close; how a brother and sister ought to be. My side throbbed, and I bit my lip from the pain.
I cleared my throat. “I’m not going to hurt Constantine, Iryna. I—I have feelings for him.”I’ve fallen for him.And he for me.
To my surprise, Iryna pushed me hard. “You need to get out of his life, bitch!”
“I’m not his enemy!” I shouted, pushing her in return. “I would never hurt him. What don’t you get?”
“You will,” she hissed and shoved me hard.
This time I fell. Iryna stumbled, falling on me. I pushed her away, but she grabbed for me. We struggled for a moment, before her grip loosened. I pulled free. Again, I found myself scuttling away for safety. This she-devil wouldn’t get the upper hand.
“What are you doing?!” I demanded, springing away from her. My skirt encumbered any effective movement. “Don’t you fucking touch me!”
“Oh, I’ll do more than that,” Iryna said, venom dripping from her voice. She launched on top of me, her hands fisting my hair. “I nearly lost him! I won’t let you and your scheming devil of a father hurt Constantine!”
“I’m not going to hurt him!” I insisted, keeping my voice low lest my father was still lurking nearby.
“You tried to kill him!” she accused fiercely.
I rolled my eyes and tried to swat her hands away. There would be no appeasing this woman. How the hell was I going to get out of this without truly hurting her? Ignoring the pain coming from my scalp, I grappled her over but then cried out as my shoulder bit into glass.
“You won’t have him.” Iryna’s words were punctuated by the press of something sharp and cool into my throat.