Page 84 of Temporary Vows
My chest constricted as the warmth of his words rushed over me. I would walk through hell for this man. “Thank you, Constantine.”
A low growl, predatorial and sensual, thundered in his chest, and that sound was enough to tell me he was happy with my response.
“Let me go and see about refreshments,” I whispered, bouncing on my toes to place a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll be right back.”
The smile he flashed me was worth everything.
His phone rang as he stepped into his study, and I watched him as he answered it, holding up a finger to Viktor. Not thinking anything of it, I took off to the kitchen to request the house staff bring an array of breakfast choices to his office.
Chapter 46 – Constantine
Iwove the crotch rocketin and out of the cars stalled in gridlock at a breakneck speed. The sunlight streamed cheerfully from the sky, but the brightness only served to blacken my soul further. I guided the bike along the narrow stretch of shoulder before cruising through a ditch and hopping onto a freeway. This bike was built for speed, not cross-country escapades.
Iryna would have chewed me a new one if she saw the reckless way I was driving. Especially considering there was no helmet on my head, and I was in a dress shirt and dress pants instead of a semi-protective jacket.
I could only pray she got the chance to do that.
The sounds of horns blaring warned me of my narrow escape from the poorly executed merge. I leaned forward over the curve of the rocket and sped ahead, tripling the speed limit. I could barely see with the rush of wind. The slightest sway in my body would be enough to precariously tip the bike to its side. But the risk was worth it.
Desperate to escape this nightmare, I crawled the needle on the speedometer to its limits.Maybe if I crash, I’ll wake up and this will all be over.Litanies of prayer rose to my lips, but ever since this fresh hell had struck, my faith was reduced to a thread; and instead of clinging to that thread and trusting in it, I turned away from it and embraced anger. I was wholly aware that carrying this anger could cause me to do something stupid, but I didn’t care. I would burn the world down to fix this mistake. This was my fault—my responsibility to bear.
I left the freeway the same way I entered it, and still death refused to claim me. These stretches of road in the business parks were less congested. When a familiar six-story office complex loomed ahead, I hopped my bike onto the sidewalk, clamping the breaks at the last moment. Smoke rose from the burning rubber tires. I jumped off, rushing toward the glass doors even before the bike slid out to the side. The sound of it skittering into the building was heard as I pushed through the door.
Adrian wasn’t in the lobby to meet me. I ground my teeth as I stalked to the elevator bank and punched the buttons. It took three beats too long.
“Mr. Drakos!” the receptionist chirped from behind her protective desk. “Mr. Webber and Mr. Adrian Drakos are upstairs in conference room D.”
“Thank you,” I said tightly. The petite woman flinched, but I was already walking to the stairs. At this point, it would be faster, but just as I was halfway across the lobby, the elevator dinged. With a curse, I spun to rush inside and viciously pushed the button for the top floor.
For the last forty minutes, my body had been a ball of purposeful energy, constantly moving as I sped back into LA. Now, as I waited for the elevator cart to lumber upward, the panic I’d been trying to outrun was fast catching up. My enemy had struck. And I’d been too fucking distracted to prevent it.
They’ll pay. I’m going to obliterate the whole damn clan!I ground the heels of my palms into my eye sockets. The pain saturating my chest threatened to crack it open. I sucked in a sharp breath and tried to focus on my shiny reflection in the cart doors. This couldn’t be happening. I’d lived through nightmares before, but this cruel blow was far worse.
Iryna’s personal bodyguard had missed his check in. When they’d contacted him, there’d been no answer. Spyder Security had scrambled a team and gone to investigate, only to find the guard dead and Iryna...gone.
“Don’t tell anyone until we’ve spoken. Get here as fast as you can,” Jakob had told me on the phone.