Page 4 of Resolutions and Love
Willow and the ass are sitting in the middle of the bar which is kind of no man’s land for the two bartenders working right now but Trix doesn’t stray far, keeping an eye on Willow. It forces me to take in more of the situation and not just the woman who stole my breath the moment I saw her.
Wilkes, the other bartender working, walks a little closer and nods toward the end of the bar where someone is trying to get Trix’s attention. She heads that way and puts a big smile on her face, working the bar top just like she’s supposed to. The asshole Willow is with makes a motion to their drinks and Wilkes gets right on top of it. He deposits them and then leans into my woman a little with a smile on his face. I can’t tell if he’s flirting with her or not.
The motion is so damn fast I would have missed it if I wasn’t watching them so closely, but the asshole passes his hand over my girl’s drink and then picks it up, giving it a little swirl before handing it to Willow. She laughs at something Wilkes says, but it’s awkward and nervous looking, even at a distance.
She doesn’t even look at date dickwad before drinking almost her entire drink in one swig.
Fucking hell. My feet are moving toward them before I even realize it. I know whatever is in her drink won’t knock her out immediately, but it’s a small comfort, and that’s a stretch to stay the least.
“Gage, get to the bar right now. I just watched some fucker drug his date’s drink,” I growl the words and saying them out loud causes a red fog to cloud my vision for a moment before it clears.
“Fuck,” is the barked response I get, but I know Gage is moving.
When I get to Willow, I snatch her off the stool, my grip probably a little too tight on her upper arms, but I can’t help myself. I’m fucking terrified right now. What if I wasn’t here? What if I brushed it off and didn’t follow her in, thinking she’d be safe?
She looks up at me and blinks her chocolate-colored eyes up at me. Her eyes light up before she looks down, shame covering her features. “What are you doing, Linc?”
Her giving me a nickname already makes my heart flip in my chest. It’s still pumping much faster and harder than is probably healthy, now she’s making it flip? Is this a heart attack? I hope not. I need to protect my girl.
“I’m taking care of you, Little Bit,” my voice is strong and sure. I don’t think I’ve ever been surer of anything in my life. Her head snaps up and then a gorgeous smile overtakes her face. The dead man who doesn’t know how close to the Grim Reaper he is, reaches out and grabs my arm, trying to pull me off Willow. I turn and snarl in his face, “You better get your hand off me.”
He puffs up his chest as if he’s ever going to be any match for me. “You need to let her go. She’s my date for the night,” he smirks. If Gage didn’t show up at this moment, I wouldn’t be held accountable for my actions.
I don’t even address the asshole because if I did then I might kill him. I look at Gage. “You know what you need to do. I saw it from my vantage point.” He gives a curt nod before he sweeps the guy away from us. Even if Gage wasn’t practically a giant, Willow’s date is such a fucking frat boy asshole, it would be easy to do regardless.
When I look down at my girl, her eyes are already glassy. Shit. I look at Wilkes and he has a surprised as fuck look on his face. Trix isn’t even looking at us, she’s glaring at the man Gage is taking into the back. They’ll put him on ice until Aces closes for the night and some answers can be obtained.
“Dane, shoot Higgins a message and let him know what’s going on,” I say, knowing he’ll hear me. Willow is petting my chest, staring at it as she does; the way she bites her lip makes it hard for me to focus.
Axel and Maddox, the owners of the club are the next on the scene. They look concerned and a little scared. Understandable because shit has been going down at the club for a little while now, and we haven’t been able to figure out if it’s circumstantial or if there’s something more insidious going on around here.
Axel’s voice is a growl, “What the fuck happened?”
I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, I know I only have so long to explain this shit before my girl is going to pass out and I’d like to get her somewhere safe before it happens. “My girl’s date slipped something in her drink. I saw it happen. Gage is going to take care of him and ask him some questions before the authorities are called in.”
Maddox’s eyes round and his words are measured and filled with disbelief, “Your girl was on a date?”
“She wasn’t my girl until she walked through the door, but I sure as shit know she’s mine,” I grit out through my teeth.
Maddox raises his hands in surrender. Good. Axel slips his phone back into his pocket and gives me a nod, “Higgins is sending someone. Go.”
It’s all I need to hear. I swing my girl up into my arms making her let out a squeal of delight and giggle with her head thrown back. Christ. She’s fucking adorable and all mine. Tex comes up with my girl’s coat which he tucks around her body in my arms.
I want to growl at him for touching her, but his quiet words calm me, “Sorry man, I just know you wouldn’t want her to get too cold.”
I give him a nod before I stomp toward the back of the club and into the employee parking lot, she wraps her arms around me and snuggles into my chest. “I know you’ll take care of me, Big Daddy,” her words are a little slurred, but they still make my cock take notice.
I won’t take advantage of her, I would never do such a thing to my woman, but I sure as hell am going to make sure she’s safe. It’s not even a question in my mind. She’s mine.
Are my eyelids glued shut right now? I think they must be. I try to crack one open and then the other, but everything about them is gritty and just downright fucking gross. Did I sleep in my make-up again? I should have taken the time to take it off last night after my date with…what the fuck was his name anyway?
I take a deep breath to try and calm my racing heart while also trying to quiet the bass thumping in the back of my head. What the fuck did I do last night? I only had two drinks. I should have sipped the second one slowly, but I was about to lose my shit on my date and needed a little liquid courage to tell him to go fuck himself and walk away.
I should have never entered the club, not after meeting Lincoln. Just the thought of him quiets down my racing heart a little. He was so damn perfect; I don’t know how I walked away from him. I shouldn’t have.