Page 10 of Alluring Darkness
“Asshole,” I mutter as he uses his grip on me to move us towards the car.
He twists my arm higher up, drawing an involuntary whimper from my lips. Around us, Jace and Rico chuckle.
Up ahead, Eli unlocks Rico’s car and gets into the driver’s seat. I keep my mouth shut as I’m dragged up to the car as well. Jace throws open one of the back doors before Kaden shoves me inside. Then Jace plops into the seat next to mine. I try to scoot over to the other one, but before I can get far, Kaden slides inside, leaving me trapped between them.
As soon as Rico has gotten into the passenger seat, Eli speeds the car out of the lot and down the road. I glance towards the street that will take us to the residential area where all the dorms and houses are located. It’s technically close enough to walk, or at least bike, which is what I do, but most students still drive their cars to campus.
But once we reach the crossroads, Eli turns in the other direction.
“Uh, where are we going?” I ask as he drives us down a deserted road.
“Somewhere with less security cameras,” Jace replies, a broad grin on his face.
He frowns at me. “What?”
“Fewersecurity cameras.”
For a moment, he only stares at me in disbelief. Deadly silence thrums around me, but I swear I can hear Eli snort softly from the front seat.
“Are you for real?” Jace blurts out at last. Looking up at his brothers, he follows it up with, “Is she for real?”
They just shrug.
Jace turns his attention back to me. “Listen…” With a frown on his face, he yet again shifts his gaze to his brothers. “Wait, what’s her name again?”
Only silence answers him.
To be honest, I am a bit offended that they haven’t even bothered to learn my name.
“Raina,” I fill in once it becomes apparent that they truly don’t know it. Flashing him a sweet smile, I add, “Nice to meet you.”
“I…” Confusion swirls in his eyes as he trails off.
But before he can figure out what he had been about to say, Eli pulls off the road and stops the car on a dirt patch on the side of it. Without saying a word, he throws open his door and stalks out. Rico does the same. Since I’m stuck between two walls of muscle, I just sit there in the middle of the backseat until Jace at last gathers his wits and opens his door. I watch him climb out but make no move to follow him.
“You either climb out on your own,” Kaden says from behind me. “Or I shove you out. Either one is fine with me.”
Blowing out an annoyed sigh, I get out of the car and straighten next to it. Apart from us and the car, there are only yellowing fields around us. I can still make out the university across the flat stretch of land, but it’s far enough away that no one can see us. Or hear my screams, I suppose.
A thud sounds as Kaden slams the car door shut. Since he climbed out behind me instead of using his own door, I have to move away from the car so that he won’t mow me down.
Winds rush across the fields, making them sway around us.
All four Hunters just stand there around me, staring me down. I know that they’re doing this to intimidate me. Bringing me to a deserted spot where I’m alone, outnumbered, and hopelessly outmatched… It’s Intimidation Tactics 101.
But little do they know that I’m not intimidated by violence. Since I’ve seen so much of it from a very young age, it doesn’t scare me. In fact, it’s usually the opposite. I know that it’s fucked up, but oftentimes, violence turns me on. And especially if the guy inflicting it is as hot as Eli Hunter is.
So instead of cowering before these clueless men, I spread my arms wide and turn in a circle to motion at the area around us while I let out a derisive laugh. “Seriously? A dirt patch on the side of a deserted road? Could you be any more cliché?”
None of them take the bait. The only one who does anything is Jace, and he just flicks a quick glance at Eli. But when Eli only continues staring me down, Jace shifts his attention back to me as well.
“I will give you one chance to explain,” Eli begins, his dark voice wrapping around my body like a silk sheet. A sheet that’s about to be used to strangle me. “For your sake, I suggest you take it.”
Crossing my arms, I just raise my eyebrows. “I’m still waiting for a question.”
“Why did you carveSmall Dick Energyinto the side of my car yesterday?”