Page 24 of Alluring Darkness
“So theywanted youon their team,” Gabriel says. “And given who they are, do you really think they did that to help you?”
“No,” I admit.
Magda snorts and shoots me a pointed look. “That’s what you get for calling Eli Hunter stupid in front of an entire cafeteria full of people.”
“Well, to be fair, I also carvedSmall Dick Energyinto his car.”
Paulo, who had been quietly drinking from his water bottle, sprays water across the seat in front of him before he manages to slap a hand in front of his mouth. Thankfully, the person who was sitting in that seat has already moved away. But some other students nearby turn to look at us.
“You didwhat?” Magda blurts out while Paulo fights to swallow down the rest of the water in his mouth.
All three of them gape at me. I just shrug in reply.
“Girl, you’re crazy,” Paulo says, shaking his head at me. Then he steals a quick glance over his shoulder. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m starting to think that maybe being seen with you isn’t such a good idea.”
Both confusion and annoyance ripple through me. I really don’t understand the power dynamics in this place. Everyone here is training to be an assassin. They’realldangerous. So why does the Hunter family hold so much sway? I get that there are four of them while most people are here on their own, or with just one sibling. But still. It doesn’t explain why they have the power to influence the teachers too.
Not for the first time, I curse my parents for their decision to keep me completely separate from this world. Even if they decided that I was unfit to be an assassin, they should have at least told me things. After all, no matter what they want for my future, I’m still Harvey Smith’s daughter. Being kept in the dark is more dangerous for me than learning about all the messed-up shit that goes on in this world.
“I did that like a week and a half ago,” I reply to Paulo’s comment. “And they’ve already taken revenge for that, so I don’t think you need to worry.” The padded seat flips back up into the backrest as I get to my feet. “But I was leaving anyway.”
“Oh, come on,” Gabriel protests. “You don’t have to leave.”
Paulo drags a hand through his dark hair and flashes me a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”
“It’s alright,” I assure them, and wave my hand. “I was actually planning to leave because there are some people I need to talk to. Now that everyone is here, can you point out the strongest people in the senior year? Apart from Eli and Connor, I mean.”
Surprise blows across their faces, but I think they feel bad about Paulo’s comment, because they just point out the five other students who are fighting for a spot in the top three. I thank them and promise them that I’ll see them later. Then I start towards the first guy.
Apparently, my plan to keep Eli’s attention on me is working like a charm. Everyone else is acting like I’ve just received a death sentence, but being put on Eli’s team is the best thing that could have happened because it means that it will be easier for me to mess with him. Connor needs to perform well during that tournament, and if I’m on the Hunters’ team, I can make sure that they actually leave him alone so that he can shine without their interference.
One part of my plan is on track. Now, I just need to figure out who tampered with his rifle so that we can hand that person over to Eli instead and get Connor completely off the hook. But to do that, I need to know who has the most to gain from Connor’s downfall. And the people highest on that list of suspects are the other students fighting for the top three spots.
Soft murmuring fills the high-ceilinged auditorium as all the students discuss the team selection and the upcoming tournament. Some of them look to be searching for their team members while others appear to just be talking with their friends.
The senior I’m approaching is standing with two other guys who look to be his friends rather than his new team members. Or maybe both. I can’t tell since I don’t know their names or remember any of the other teams.
My pulse flutters nervously as I approach them. I have no idea how to just walk up to a group of guys and strike up a conversation. But I need to do this.
To protect Connor, I need to make this work.
I’m just about to turn towards the door when I notice Raina leaving her seat and striding straight through the crowd. Trailing to a halt, I narrow my eyes as I track her movements.
Surprise flits through me when she walks right up to Thomas O’Connell and his two friends. He’s one of the best hitmen in my year, so what the hell does Raina think she’s doing talking to him?
“You coming?” Kaden asks from where he has stopped and turned back to me a few strides away.
Without taking my eyes off Raina, I reply, “Meet me outside.”
There is a slight pause. Then he says, “Alright.”
From the corner of my eye, I can see my brothers head towards the door. But I keep my full attention on Raina.
She’s talking to Thomas and his friends now. I can’t hear what they’re saying from up here, but the expressions on their faces quickly went from surprised and befuddled to satisfied and interested once Raina started speaking.