Page 83 of Alluring Darkness
“The dude drives a Range Rover. I figured he’s gotta be compensating for something.”
Connor laughs again and shakes his head before throwing his arm over my shoulder. “You’re crazy, sis. In the best possible way.”
Our kitchen is unnaturally silent as I walk down the stairs. Usually, I can hear Kaden and Jace arguing about something or other while they’re eating breakfast. But not today. Part of me is glad for that, because I’m still trying to come to terms with what happened last night.
I broke Raina.
To be honest, I’m a bit disappointed. I had begun to think that she might actually be indestructible. That she could take whatever I throw at her and just throw it right back at me. But apparently, she is normal after all.
And now that I hold her brother’s life over her head, she is going to start acting like everyone else around me. Backing up and bowing down and being utterly fucking boring.
With a sigh, I shake my head as I round the corner and stride into the kitchen.
I trail to a halt and blink as I find the last person I ever expected to see in my kitchen today.
Raina is standing in the space between the kitchen island and the wall, and she’s boxed in on all sides by my brothers. Kaden and Rico are standing on either side of her, blocking the way out on both sides, while Jace is sitting on top of the island with his legs dangling over the side. All three of them watch her with suspicious eyes.
My gaze shifts to what looks like a pile of wrapped sandwiches next to Jace.
“What’s going on?” I ask.
“Raina showed up.” Jace picks up one of the sandwiches and tosses it in his hand a couple of times. “With these.”
Raina flashes me a smile. “Peace offering.”
“Don’t eat those,” I snap at Jace while I narrow my eyes at Raina. “They’re probably full of poison.”
“That’s what I said,” Rico comments.
“Yeah, I figured that out too,” Jace growls. “I’m not stupid.”
I keep my eyes on Raina. “Why are you here?”
“To, uhm… clear the air after last night.”
I snort. “You mean you’ve come to make a deal.”
“If you’re here to beg,” Kaden adds, a sadistic gleam in his eyes. “Then you really should be on your knees.”
Raina cuts him a rather impressive glare before returning her attention to me. “I’m not here to beg. Or to make a deal. I’m here to make sure that we both know where we stand now.”
“We’ll see about that.” I smirk at her before sweeping my gaze over my brothers. “Don’t eat or drink anything that she brought. You…” I lock eyes with Raina and jerk my chin. “With me.”
I start towards the study across the hall. Raina attempts to follow, but the path out from between the island and the wall is blocked by Kaden. He remains standing firmly in her way for a few seconds, watching her with smug amusement. Then he steps aside.
After shooting another glare his way, she stalks after me.
Hope flares to life in my chest. Maybe I haven’t broken her completely after all?
The study is probably the tidiest place in the whole house since we rarely use it. But there is an elegant desk with a grand chair, and dark wooden bookshelves along the walls. I close the door once Raina has crossed the threshold as well. Then I move so that I’m standing in front of her, trapping her between my body and the wall behind her.
“So, you wanted to know where we stand?” I begin. “Exactly where we’ve always been. I hold your life, and your brother’s life, in the palm of my hand, and I’ll continue to play with you until I get bored and decide to crush you.”
No fear floods her face this time when I threaten her brother. Instead, she snorts and rolls her eyes at me. I take a step closer, pressing farther into her space.