Page 85 of Alluring Darkness
“It’s true.”
“Doesn’t matter. Accident or not, he almost shot me. He deserves whatever I decide to do to him.”
“And if you do anything to him, I will poison your brothers.” She gives me a mockingly sweet smile. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m an incredibly skilled chemist.”
Despite myself, I huff out an amused breath. “Ihavenoticed.”
“So where does that leave us?”
“At a stalemate, I suppose.”
Silence falls over the study. Morning sunlight shines in through the windows, illuminating the dark wooden furniture around us and making Raina’s intelligent green eyes glitter.
The expression on her face sends a pang through my heart.
Last night, I kidnapped her from her bed, tied her up and put her in my trunk before driving her out into the forest, putting a gun to her head and tossing her a shovel, and telling her to dig a grave. Most people would be pissing their fucking pants if that happened. But what did she do? She threw the shovel back at me and told me to dig it myself.
Then I made her kiss our boots and grovel at our feet before I pretended to execute her brother just so that she would know what I will do if she ever so much as looks at me in a way I don’t like. And how does she respond? Not with unconditional surrender, like any sane person would. No, she waltzes in here and threatens to killmybrothers if I ever touch hers again.
My whole soul aches as I watch Raina stare back at me with utter confidence on her features.
Fuck, I can’t let this girl slip through my fingers. She’s mine. And she has been mine since the day she carvedSmall Dick Energyinto my car. She makes me crazy and not crazy and she is exactly what I need.
“But I can be persuaded to leave your brother alone,” I say before I can change my mind.
She raises her eyebrows. “Oh?”
“If you sleep here.”
“You want me to fuck you in exchange for my brother’s life?”
The hilarious part is that she doesn’t even look offended by, or opposed to, the idea. I don’t know whether to laugh or punish her for that.
Shaking my head, I reply, “No. I meant exactly what I said. I want you tosleephere. In this house. In my room. With me.”
Her brows furrow in confusion as she stares back at me, bewildered. “Why?”
Since I don’t want to explain to her that she somehow helps me sleep, I just flick my wrist and start to turn around. “Fine, if you don’t want my mercy then—”
“Wait!” She grabs my arm to pull me back. “Alright, alright. Fine, I’ll sleep here.”
Turning back around, I shoot a pointed look down at the hand she still has wrapped around my forearm, and then raise my eyebrows expectantly.
She rolls her eyes but then releases my arm. “So we have a deal?”
“You will sleep here.” I hold her gaze. “Every day. Unless I say otherwise.”
“And in exchange, you will leave my brother alone,” she finishes.
I nod. “Deal.”
My heart does an absolutely ridiculous backflip in my chest.
And I swear I can see a satisfied smile lurk on Raina’s lips as well.