Page 89 of Alluring Darkness
He draws his hand over my hip and then slips it down between my thighs. I squirm and shift my weight, but the restraints keep me mercilessly trapped while Eli cups my wet pussy.
“Youare,” he announces, as if I didn’t already know exactly how much my depraved body is enjoying this. “Tell me, princess, were you enjoying yourself when I did this to you in the middle of the canteen too?”
Clenching my jaw, I refuse to answer.
Eli slides his fingers along my pussy before carefully circling my clit. Pleasure flickers through me, and I have to grind my teeth together to stop another moan.
“If I had put my hand between your legs that time, would I have found your cunt this soaking wet and needy that time as well?” he demands while he continues to tease my clit with expert strokes. When I still don’t answer, he flicks my aching clit hard enough to make me gasp. “Answer.”
“Yes,” I blurt out.
A satisfied chuckle drifts through the air. With his fingers still toying with my clit, he moves up farther behind me until he’s standing so close that I can feel the rough fabric of his jeans scrape against my sensitive skin. He leans over me, bracing his free hand on the table beside my hip, and grinds the bulge of his hard cock against the top of my ass.
I whimper. He rolls my clit between his fingers. I press my body harder against his forearm that he now has between my hip and the edge of the table, but he just continues torturing me with expert fingers. I force out a long breath as pleasure builds inside me.
“Apologize for stealing Kaden’s knife, and I just might let you come,” Eli says.
With him leaning over me like that, I can feel his warm breath against my naked back as he speaks. It sends a shiver of pleasure rolling through my body. I press my cheek harder against the cold wood.
Lightning skitters across my skin as Eli’s lips brush the top of my spine.
I suck in a gasp, and desire pulses through my body.
Tension thrums inside me as Eli kisses his way down my spine while his hand continues teasing my pussy. Every touch of his lips against my heated skin sends a burst of electricity through my body. I squirm against the tabletop.
Eli swirls his thumb around my clit while he traces two fingers over my entrance.
My heart pounds so hard against my ribs that I swear I can hear it through the wooden table. I drag in unsteady breaths as the pent-up release inside me reaches terrible intensities. I need his cock inside me. I need him to fuck my brains out until all I can feel is that sweet release washing through my limbs. I need it more than I need air right now.
“Eli.” His name falls from my lips like a plea. “Fuck me.”
“Tell me how sorry you are for stealing that knife,” he says, speaking the words directly against my skin as he kisses his way back up my spine.
“Eli.” It comes out as a growl this time.
He draws his thumb over my clit while pushing one finger inside me, barely more than an inch. Then he pulls it out again. A snarl of frustration rips from me, and I stomp my foot against the floor.
“Say it,” Eli commands.
The unflinching power in his voice pulses against my skin and makes my heart skip a beat. Straightening, he takes his lips from my spine and removes his left hand from the tabletop. His right continues teasing my pussy.
The sounds of a zipper being pulled down echoes into the tense silence. I draw in a shuddering breath. Eli responds by dipping a finger inside my pussy again. It’s barely in before he pulls it out again.
I yank against the belt in frustration, which only makes it tighten around my throat again and heightens the feeling of utter helplessness. My clit throbs in response.
A jolt shoots through me as Eli’s hard cock suddenly brushes against my ass. I try to push myself harder against him, but his free hand lands on my hip. Digging his fingers into my skin, he keeps me immobile while he tortures my clit and drags his cock down to my entrance.
Desperate moans drip from my lips. The tension pulsing inside me is so violent that I feel like I’m going to shatter if I don’t get release soon.
“Say it,” Eli orders, his voice brimming with absolute command and his words cutting through the air like a whip.
“I’m sorry,” I blurt out. “I’m sorry for taking the knife.” Another needy whimper rips from me as Eli draws his cock up and down my seam. “I’m sorry. Okay? I’m sorry. Now fuck me!”
“Good girl.”
A full-body shudder racks my frame. Eli removes his fingers from my clit and pulls his arm back. Gripping my hips with both hands, he angles my ass upwards so that he can reach my pussy better.
Then he slams his cock into me.