Page 40 of Fatkini
He sighed. “It sucks that Maeve won’t take a settlement and just disappear. She contributed nothing to Scumwater but wants a share in the profits. They were married for a year and she bitched non-stop about the things moms do, like driving to and from school, making Amara’s lunch, and taking care of her when she was sick. But when he filed for divorce? Oh, suddenly Mari waspreciousto her.” His expression darkened. “The court granted her partial custody because she argued that Amara needed a mother’s presence.”
“How did she win that?”
He swigged his beer. “She has the money for a better attorney.”
“That’s awful.”
He nodded. “Maeve was so unreliable about bringing Amara over for his weeks that he petitioned the courts to step in. That’s why Dianne had her. She and John agreed to do drop-offs, so Tobias wouldn’t have to see Maeve. She just loves to trigger him.”
“They’re her parents?”
“No. Juliette’s. They try to shelter Amara from the worst of it, but Maeve likes to make scenes, if you know what I mean.”
I did. “She sounds like a more manipulative version of my sister Greer.”
“Every family has one, eh?” Aithan shrugged. He finished the last sip of his beer, then caught my hand. “Hey, let’s not end our lunch on a downer.”
I nodded and squeezed his fingers. “You wanna come back to my place?”
His lips curled into a slow, sexy smile. “Definitely. Lemme get the check.”
I pushed back my chair and stood. “Okay. I’ll run to the ladies room.” I glanced back before entering the washroom. Aithan was watching me and he looked hungry. His expression freed the butterflies in my stomach again.
As I checked my hair and makeup in the mirror, and tried to calm my nerves, my phone buzzed. I pulled it from my purse and the fluttering excitement of the moment died. It was a text from Tristan.
So how long have u been fcking my boss?
“Shit.” I wanted to tell him I hadn’t yet but would be in about thirty minutes. Instead I responded:
Since never. I only met him the other day when he picked up your shit. And that’s all I’ll say about my private life. You’re no longer a part of it. Who I date isn’t your concern.
I turned off the phone and headed back to the table and the man Iwantedto be with.
Aithan’s SUVwas right behind my car as I pulled into the townhouse garage. He parked in the carport and reached my door just in time to open it for me. His gaze traveled from my legs to my breasts to my eyes as I got out. He closed the car door then caught my waist with one hand, the nape of my neck with the other and kissed me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed against him, wanting to feel his whole body. I couldn’t miss his erection. He was as excited as I was and his kisses were more demanding this time as his tongue caressed mine and promised more.
His hands went to my hips and he put a little space between us. “You drive me crazy.”
I grinned, feeling more than a little naughty. “In the best or worst way?”
“Both.” He took my hand. “Let’s go inside.”
I stopped him. “Wait. You should see this.” I turned on my phone. Tristan had sent four more texts, each more vicious than the last.
“Not good.” Aithan ran his hand through his hair as he scanned them. “I’ll have a long talk with him.” He handed the phone back. “Why’d you show me that now?”
“I thought you should know this could get ugly if we keep going. It wouldn’t be fair to keep you in the dark.”
He nodded. “Thanks. But I’m not scared away that easily.”
“Why do you want me?” The question slipped out before I had time to decide if I really wanted to hear the answer.
“What do you mean?”