Page 79 of Fatkini
The detective scanned his notes again. “You’re sure about the lights not functioning?”
“Yes. Why?”
“There’s no mention of it being dark in the back lot. In fact, Angela Guzman specifically noted that she saw you lying in front of the employee door as she and her husband got out of their car. She ran to help you. Could she have seen you if the lights were out? Is there other lighting in the lot?”
“No, it’s all on the same circuit. A row of lights that are aimed down on that small lot. It’s pitch black without them. There are only six parking spots back there for Blue Water’s employees and a gated entrance. You can’t drive in without knowing the code to open the gate.”
Kevlin nodded and made notes. “I’ll get over there to check the lighting. What you’re describing implies your assailant climbed the fence or knew the code. Or he came through the gym, went out the back door, and waited for you.” He nodded slowly. “Do you have any enemies, Mr. Mazur? Any disgruntled current or former employees?”
“Enemies?” Aithan drew a slow, labored breath. “Not that I know of.” He stared at the IV line taped to the back of his hand. “I’ve never had to fire anyone, so I can’t think of any pissed off employees.”
“What about Tristan Blaylock?”
He looked up. “Tristan? What about him? He’s a current employee. Good group trainer.”
“Mr. San Miguel mentioned some interpersonal issues with him.”
Aithan grunted again. It was less painful than nodding. “Tristan broke up with Zel.”
“Zelda Gordon?” The detective’s tone sharpened. “Your girlfriend?”
“How long ago was their breakup?”
“Um, three weeks, I think?”
Kevlin blinked. “You’re seeing the woman your employee broke up with less than a month ago? Had you both been dating her long?”
“No. I met her the week they split? I think it was that Saturday, but I’m a little hazy on days right now. It’s in my phone. She was Tristan’s girlfriend but broke up with him. She started seeing Drew and me around the same time.”
“Who’s Drew?”
“Her author.” The detective gave him a blank look, so Aithan tried to explain. “Zel’s a narrator. She records Drew’s books for him. They started dating. Then I did too. Date her, I mean.”
“And this was while she was dating Mr. Blaylock?”
“No, after they split up.”
“Does this author know you’re dating Ms. Gordon?”
“He doesn’t take issue with her seeing you, too?”
“But Mr. Blaylock did?”
Aithan frowned. “He was upset about their split, but we haven’t talked about it, I don’t think.”
Kevlin referred to his notes. “But he complained about your relationship with her in front of your gym patrons, correct? That’s why Mr. San Miguel said you authorized him to send Mr. Blaylock home with a week of paid vacation. Is that right?”
“Did I?” Aithan muttered mostly to himself. “Yeah, I remember that.” He met the detective’s gaze. “I guess he does have a problem with me seeing Zel.”
“I’d say so. And I’ll be talking with him next.”