Page 87 of Fatkini
“Well, fuck. That bitch has less sense than God gave a goose.” Candace shook her head. “What’re you gonna do?”
“Call my girl and explain that she can’t see her uncle today, but that he’s gonna be okay.” He looked around. “Where’d you make your call, Zel?”
I pointed down the hall. “The bathroom.”
He nodded and raised the phone to his ear as he walked. “Hi, Dianne, can I talk to Little Bit?” He disappeared into the bathroom.
“Why does Tobias insist Tristan was involved?” I asked Candace. “Do they have history I don’t know about?”
She looked surprised by the question. “No, he’s just über protective of friends and family. He’s always been the guy who put himself out there for other people. He’ll fight tooth-and-nail for what’s right.”
“But he really seems to have it out for Tris.”
She shrugged. “They’ve never been friends, ya know? They tolerate each other, but that’s all. I mean, I doubt they’ve spoken more than a dozen words since Tristan moved into my place. I don’t know what it is about him that rubs Tobias the wrong way, but treating you like shit definitely didn’t help.”
“Huh. I guess that makes sense.”
“It does in my brother’s mind. He’s slow to trust and even slower to forgive. And some people will never earn his trust again. I think Tristan may be among them.”
“It just seems a bit extreme without a more direct cause. I mean, you both hardly know me.”
“True, but Aithan is stupid about you, and Tobias will do anything for him.” She side-eyed me. “Plus, my little brother totally digs you, Zelda.”
I was flattered but didn’t really understand why Tobias felt that way. We’d spent maybe eight hours together, tops. And it still didn’t explain why he disliked and distrusted Tristan.
The door to Aithan’s room opened and the nurse came out. “You can go in now.”
Aithan’s eyes slowly opened. He looked ready to sleep for a week. But he lifted his hand and I took it. “Wish you could climb up here and stay with me,” he murmured.
Candace grinned. “You are so stinkin’ cute when you’re wasted and in love, Aithan Mazur.”
He slowly raised his other hand and gave her the middle finger. “Where’s Tobias?”
“Talking to Amara,” I replied.
“Ah. Tell him not to bring her here. She doesn’t need to see me dopey and all busted up. Might scare her.”
Candace rubbed his knee. “Don’t worry. He’s telling Mari her uncle will be fine and she can visit him when he’s home and feeling better.”
He nodded but his eyes drifted closed. I leaned over him. He shook his head. “Want you to stay, but too sleepy. Sorry.”
“Don’t be.” I kissed him. “Sleep and heal. I’ll come back tomorrow.”
“You can meet Paulina.” He tugged my hand to his face and kissed my fingers. “Want you to meet my family.”
“Okay. I can do that.” I kissed him again and Candace kissed his forehead then we left, closing the door quietly behind us just as Tobias emerged from the restroom looking thunderous.
“Uh-oh,” she muttered.
“That goddamn twat told Mari what happened to Aithan. Little Bit was in tears thinking he was going to die.”
“Cripes,” I said. “Your daughter didn’t need to know that. How could Maeve be so callous?”
“Oh, she’s a motherfucking doozie,” Candace snarled. “How’d she find out he was jumped?”
He shook his head. “Dunno. Guess Dianne said something.”
“Ugh.” Candace led the way to the elevators. “You’d think your mother-in-law would’ve learned not to shareanythingwith that woman.”