Page 95 of Fatkini
Drew laughed. “Don’t tell anyone, but I’m pretty sure we’re the winners and Zel’s on top.”
Aithan grinned. “Right where I like her.”
“Ohh, yeah.” Drew leaned back against the kitchen counter and crossed his ankles.
Eyeing him, I said, “You look too smug.” He had a suspiciously pleased air about him. “Like a cat that’s eaten the canaryandthe goldfish.”
He crossed his arms, and I recognized the purple fabric dangling from his fingers. “I found this in your lingerie drawer.”
“Drew Katterman, why were you looking through my underwear?”
He smirked. “Planning for the future, of course.” That smirk became a smile. “Like a trip to Mexico.”
My eyes widened. “Yes! When Aithan is healed we should totally do that.”
Aithan grinned. “That would be a helluva lotta fun.”
“Oh, you know it.” Drew draped the fatkini over his shoulder and pushed away from the counter to rummage in the box. “Cookies?”
“And muffins. From Greer,” I said.
He barked a laugh. “Big sister finally admitted she stuck her nose too far up your business?”
“So it seems.”
He shoved a cookie into his mouth. “Mmm-mm, I’m enjoying her guilt.”
I savored another bite of cookie then frowned. The telltale scratchiness between my boobs told me I shouldn’t’ve eaten something crumbly wearing a V-neck sweater. “Fuck.”
“What’s wrong?” Aithan filled a glass of water from the fridge filter.
I pulled my sweater forward and peered down my bra. “Crumbs.”
“Snack bar’s open!” Drew face-planted right between my tits.
I squealed and held onto him, laughing and squirming as he tried to capture the crumbs with his tongue.
“Stop! You’re killing me.” Aithan laughed and held his ribs. “Kurwa. It hurts to laugh.”
“Almost got ’em,” was Drew’s muffled reply. He raised his head and kissed me. “You’re delicious, Brick.”
Grimacing in mock horror, I wiped drool from between my boobs. “You slobbered all over my cleavage.”
Drew grinned. “Never heard you complain about that before.”
“Pervert.” I stuck the rest of the second cookie in my mouth and swatted him. The guys laughed while I closed the package of cookies.
Drew and Aithan talked while I started dinner. Donning an apron, I washed and chopped three pears and a big yellow onion. I sautéed them, added white wine to the mix and let it simmer while I sliced a pork tenderloin down the center. That got salted and I spooned the pear-onion mix down the length, added sprigs of rosemary, and tied the tenderloin closed with butcher’s twine. The whole thing went into the oven under foil. In an hour, the house would smell like heaven.
My phone buzzed with a text from Tristan.
Heard Aithan’s out of the hospital.
Yeah. He’s recovering @ my place. Drew is here too from NYC. Thought u should know.
Thx. He doing OK?
Yes. Still can’t move without pain, but the docs expect him to heal fast.