Page 107 of The Skinny
“Balls,” Drew muttered. “Think we need to worry about her sending another dude after you?”
Aithan stared at him. “I didn’t think of that.”
“Maybe you should discuss it with the police,” Zel suggested.
“Yeah. Kevlin will let me know what happens at the bail hearing. If she gets out, I’ll ask him about it.”
“Meanwhile,” Drew said, “we celebrate. The psycho ex is getting her just rewards.”
It wasone of those perfect Pacific Northwest December days — crisp air, clear skies, and a gentle breeze that stirred my hair. Aithan, Drew, and Tobias had just returned from moving the last of Aithan’s things out of his old apartment and into storage. While they were gone, I’d pulled a patio chair out of the garage and sat in my small backyard, headphones on, listening to Drew’s playlist forGrisly. I was reading the final manuscript and creating a character sheet, happy to be working on something fun now that Holly had the edited files forWhite Eagle, Red Poppy.
The sliding door opened, and I glanced up to see Tobias. He had a blanket in hand. “Hi, girl.”
“Hey.” I pulled off the headphones.
“Thought you might be cold.” He held the blanket open and I leaned forward so he could wrap it around my back and shoulders. “Wanted to talk to you real quick.” He crouched beside my chair and rubbed his jaw. “You’re gonna have to be patient with me, Zel.”
“About what?”
He turned his face to the sun, dark eyes closed, a gentle smile curving his full lips. “I haven’t forgotten your offer.” He stood, looked down at me, and shoved his hands in his front pockets. With a sheepish little shrug, he added, “But I’ve gotten so accustomed to watching every move I make that I don’t know how to let down my guard.” He tugged the blanket up on my shoulder. His hand lingered, then he kissed the top of my head and turned for the sliding door.
“Tobias?” I stood. “Is that really why you came out here?” He paused on the threshold, and I followed him inside. Leaving my computer and the blanket on my desk, I stepped close to him, closer than just friends. “Because I hear what you’re saying, and also what you’re not.” I cradled his face between my palms. “It’s okay. We can take it slow.” He was so handsome. Not like Aithan’s perfection or Drew’s roughness. Tobias had this kind of sweet, honest appeal. Dark skin, dark eyes, broad nose above full lips that curved to give me that sunshine smile, and my heart warmed for it.
“Slow is good,” he replied.
“Let’s start with a kiss and go from there.” It was old advice from Drew that had worked well so far. I leaned into Tobias, brushed my lips across his, and added, “Just a kiss. Okay?”
He got that sleepy drunk look some guys get when they’re aroused. It was freaking adorable on Tobias. “Yeah, girl, I can handle that.”
But oh, what a kiss it was. Like a starving man at a banquet, Tobias caught the nape of my neck and the small of my back and pulled our bodies together. He kissed my lower lip, then the upper, before sweeping his tongue along the seam, teasing my mouth open. Tentatively, his tongue touched mine until, with a moan, he surrendered to desire. Lips locked on mine, he pulled me with him as he sank to the loveseat.
Straddling his lap, I kissed that beautiful, gentle man. I kissed his eyelids, his cheeks, his mouth. I arched my neck as his lips followed the curve of my jaw. Gasping, I pressed against him as Tobias nibbled the soft skin below my ear. His hands slipped beneath my sweater and caressed the curve of my waist.
“Damn, girl,” he murmured, “you always this full of love?”
“Yeah, she is,” Drew said from the doorway.
Tobias nearly jumped out of his skin. “Holy shit, man!”
“Hi, Playboy,” I said and added to Tobias, “Don’t mind him.”
Drew leaned against the doorjamb, arms and ankles crossed, a soft smile curving his lips. “I came to watch.” He was a stealthy motherfucker, and I probably should’ve warned Tobias.
Fully distracted and discombobulated, Tobias choked out, “What?” He’d pulled his hands away from me and stiffened beneath me, and not in the way I wanted.
I pressed my fingers to his lips. “Shh, it’s okay.”
Then Drew did something he’d never done before. He stepped into the office, fisted my hair, and tilted my head back. He kissed me hard, tongue in my mouth, other hand gripping my jaw. He released me but held my gaze. “You can fuck him, but remember Drew’s Rules. And I get to watch.”
“Rules?” Tobias sounded annoyed.
“No BJ’s and cock stays wrapped until a test confirms your jibblies are disease free,” Aithan said from the doorway.
Tobias scowled. “Wait, now you’re both watching?”