Page 39 of The Skinny
I laughed. “At first, I was annoyed with him and Aithan, but especially Drew. He didn’t hide his disgust with the clothes in my closet. But he’s right. And it’s not fair to them — or me — for me to look dumpy when they want to go out.”
Damn, this felt like a therapy session.
“I also have an industry event coming up in March in Los Angeles, and they’re attending with me. It includes an award show and I need to look professional from the moment I board the plane at SeaTac. Iwantto look my best.” I sighed. Confessing lifted a weight off my shoulders that I’d been lugging around for way too long. “I’ve avoided going to voiceover events because I didn’t feel confident about my appearance. I didn’t know how to dress like a successful businesswoman.” Hearing those words from my mouth was shocking. It sucked to realize just how much my clothing and my self-image were holding me back professionally.
Lorelei nodded. “You look surprised by your own admission.”
“I guess I am. I’m doing really well professionally, so I didn’t think my crappy wardrobe was an issue. But it’s more than just my clothes. It’s how I present myself and how I feel about myself, too.”
“Yes, it is.” She leaned forward. “Drew’s concerned that you can’t see yourself as you really are. And he’s hoping a new, well-styled wardrobe will help you overcome that obstacle.”
I tucked my hair behind my ears. “Yeah. It’s kind of uncomfortable to admit, but I don’t like what I see when I look in the mirror. Maybe you and Drew are right. If I dress better, maybe I’ll see myself in a better light.”
“I think you’re ready for this change.”
“I am, but I’m nervous.”
“Afraid that it’ll work or that it won’t?”
I shrugged. “Both?”
“Well, it certainly won’t hurt. And I’ll make it as painless as possible. Okay?”
“Then let’s get started. I’m excited about working with you, Zelda. I think together we can really make some significant changes in your life. But the first thing I want to understand is exactly what pieces we need to purchase. You don’t need office wear, that’s obvious. But you need professional attire to wear to industry events, plus some things for dressier evening events, and clothes that are stylish but comfortable for you to wear around town and out with your guys. Maybe some sexier date outfits too. Am I correct?”
I nodded. “Yeah. That sounds about right. I pretty much need everything but sweats, exercise clothes, and pajamas. I’m told my lingerie isn’ttoobad.”
Lorelei laughed. “You’re lucky to have so much support from the men in your life.”
“I am. They’re terrific. And I want them to feel proud when we walk down the street together.” I shrugged, feeling kinda sheepish. “Is that weird to say?”
“Not at all. I hear that from a lot of men and women. The important people in your life are often the ones who inspire you to make positive changes.” She glanced at her notes. “There’s one more thing I’m told needs help. Your shoes. I understand you don’t have a lot of decent non-athletic footwear.”
I blew out a slow breath. “Definitely not. I have two pairs of boots and a pair of leopard print wedges. Everything else Drew has deemed unworthy of me.” I shook my head. “He’s probably taking all my clothes to the nearest donation drop box right now.”
Lorelei laughed at that. “You’re not the first client I’ve had who’s faced that exact situation. So here’s our game plan. We’re going to look at some books and magazines so I can get a sense of what styles appeal to you. Then we’ll discuss what basic pieces — tops, skirts, dresses, pants — you need in your wardrobe. I’ll send your measurements and my notes to a few shops I think will have the best selection for you. They’ll pull clothes and have all their pieces waiting for you to try on when we arrive.”
“You can do that?”
She smiled. “That’s the benefit of working with a stylist. Now, one more thing before we continue. Budget. Drew told me the budget was unlimited, but I want to know how you feel about that.”
I shook my head. “That man is too generous for his own good. I’d like to keep my spending below two thousand dollars, but if I exceed it, he’s more than happy to cover the overage.”
“Good to know. I think we can do everything we want within that budget, except for your evening wear. Exactly what type of event will you be attending in the spring? That’ll determine how much we should spend and if it’s something we can buy off the rack or need to have it custom made.”
That sounded expensive, but I bit the bullet. “We’re going to the biggest industry event for narration in the U.S., and I’m nominated for several awards. Like it or not, people will notice me.” I laughed and added, “Considering I’ll have two very good-looking men on my arms, people will definitely notice me.”
She laughed too. “Sounds like an understatement. Also, sounds like attention you’re not accustomed to.”
I sighed and shook my head. “No, I really don’t enjoy being noticed. Which sucks when you’re five-eleven and built like an Amazon.”
“No doubt. And your guys are pushing you to be more visible.” She leaned forward. “Are you okay with this, Zelda?”
I met her gaze. “Yes. It’s time to step up my game. If I want to be with Drew, I need to get comfortable with being seen. He has a massive following online. He’s very recognizable in our industry.”
“Okay. I just wanted to be sure. I don’t want you to make purchases you won’t wear, and I want you to feel secure in all of this.”