Page 88 of The Skinny
Tobias stared at his feet and let out a slow breath. He looked up from beneath his brows. “You’re right. I let that bitch into my brain and she scrambled it.”
Playfully, Aithan hooked his arm around Tobias’s head, a grizzly grabbing a teddy bear, and pulled him up the stairs. “Of course I’m right. Come get drunk. You’re overdue for a hangover.”
I started after them, answering my phone when it rang as I reached the main floor.
“Hi, Mom. How’re you?” I continued up to my bedroom to talk without bothering the guys and to get blankets and sheets for the guest bed.
“Hi, honey, I’m fine. Your dad’s fine. Wanted to check on you and your fellas. Are you getting snow down there?”
“Nope, but it’s cold as a witch’s tit and we’re getting hail. Is Bellingham getting dusted?”
“Oh, we’ve already got an inch. It’s falling fast and thick and sticking. Looks like we won’t be going anywhere for a few days.”
“You all stocked up?” I asked, knowing they were. My mom kept enough food in the pantry and garage freezer to feed an army.
“Of course. Except coffee. If we run out of that, your father will either kill me or slog down to the market.”
I laughed. “Good thing you have all-wheel drive.”
Mom’s tone took a serious turn. “I talked to Greer today.”
My stomach lurched. “Why do you think I care?”
“Because she’s still your sister.”
“Who cheated on her husband with my boyfriend.”
“She rented a condo in Downtown Bellingham. He’s living with her. Guess he’s working at a gym in town and offering private training.”
“I don’t care.”
“Honey, she’s family and a part of your life, like it or not.”
“I understand that, but I don’t have to give a shit about where she is or who’s living with her. And I really don’t give a shit what Tristan Blaylock is doing unless it’s fucking himself, which means he’s finally doing what I told him to do many times over.”
Mom sighed and zigged as hard as Drew usually did. “Have you seen your doctor about your stomach?”
Huh?“Um, no. My guts are fine.”
“That’s not what Aithan said. He told me you had a rough night last month.”
Oh, I see.“I have an appointment with my endocrinologist next month. Just to get my levels tested. That rough night was a one-off, Mom. I’m fine.”
“Zelda, you’ve had a stressful few months.”
“I’m. Fine. And I have two men who watch me like hawks for you. So you can stop worrying.”
She sighed again. “You know I can’t help it.”
“Yes, but I wish you’d let it go. It’s not good foryouto stress aboutme, you know.”
She laughed. “Well, that’s true. And I’ll keep in mind that Aithan and Drew are on the job.”
“Thank you. I appreciate you caring, but I don’t want you worrying. Okay?”
“Not okay, but I’ll try. Is that enough?”
“Guess it’ll have to be.”