Page 27 of Wicked Enemy
Kicking my legs, I tried desperately to get him off me while pain pulsed through my arm.
“If you heal him, I’ll let you heal yourself too,” he said.
“I’m not a healer!” I pleaded, hating how panicked my voice sounded. “Please, I’m telling you the truth.”
He blew out an exasperated sigh, and then raised the knife again.
“I can prove it!” I yelled while fear wreaked havoc inside me. “Please, I can prove it.”
From where he still sat on top of my chest, he narrowed his pale eyes at me as if trying to read the lies on my face. But he stopped moving the knife closer to my skin.
“I can prove it. Please. I swear.”
That vicious gleam returned to his eyes. “Please, what?”
Throwing all of my pride to the wind, I swallowed and then pressed out, “Please, master.”
He huffed out an amused breath. But he lowered his knife slightly as he asked, “Prove it how?”
“I’m not a healer, but I’m not magicless either. I’m a normal mage. If you unlock my handcuffs, I can show you.”
For a few seconds, he just considered in silence. Then he clicked his tongue. “Fine.”
Relief washed over me.
Climbing off me, he jerked his chin at his men. “Get her on her knees and put a sword to her throat.” His hard eyes locked on mine. “If you try anything, I will make you beg me for death.”
I was about to nod in acknowledgement, but it turned into a violent jerk of my head when two of the guys behind me yanked me off the floor and deposited me on my knees before the third one pressed a blade against my throat from behind.
Since I wasn’t planning on trying anything, I just sat there motionless while White bent down and unlocked my handcuffs. They opened with a soft click. Removing the manacles and holding them in one hand, he straightened and then leveled a commanding stare on me.
“Get to it then.”
I resisted the urge to rub my wrists and instead just slowly lifted my hands. While holding his gaze, I carefully brushed my palms together.
The sword was pressed harder against my throat in warning.
Ignoring it, I simply summoned a small flame in my right palm. The fire crackled for a few seconds before I released my grip on it and then touched my hands together again. A ball of water sloshed in the air. I let that fade out as well and then summoned a tiny gust of wind that whooshed around my fingers before dying out.
White ground his teeth.
I lowered my hands again, placing them palms up on my thighs to make it clear that I wasn’t going to attack. Blood trickled down from the cut in my forearm, staining my white leather pants red.
“Fuck,” White growled. Forcing out a harsh breath, he raked his fingers through his pale blond hair before locking furious eyes on me again. Rage and impatience bled into his tone as he snapped, “How can younotbe the healer? You were in the right place. And I know that a healer lives there, so don’t try to fucking bullshit me.” He flicked a hand up and down my body. “You even fit the physical description. Wavy light brown hair and brown eyes. So how can it not be you?”
A brief hint of stunned surprise flickered through my soul. I hadn’t even realized how physically similar Gemma and I were. He was right. We did share quite a few physical attributes.
“I heard that you were coming for her,” I began carefully. “So I went there to warn her.”
His gaze sharpened. “So you know her?”
“She has healed me in the past. I just wanted to return the favor.”
Dread shot through me at the way the wheels began turning behind his eyes. “What’s your relationship to Levi Arden?”