Page 20 of Heartless Enemy
Anger surged up in his eyes for a second.
I flashed down, grabbing him by the collar and pressing the knife against his throat. “What was that?”
Terror flooded his face instead as he tried to pull back from the knife. I kept a firm grip on his collar as I stared him down.
“Y-yes, yes, I’ll be your creature,” he blurted out. “Just don’t kill me. Please, I’m begging you. I’mbegging you.”
Heat seared through me, intense enough to make my soul thrum.
And in that moment, I understood Levi in a way that I never had before.
Holding someone’s life in the palm of my hand like this was so fucking intoxicating. I was completely in control. I decided who lived and died, and all my victim could do was to beg for my mercy. This power, this utter command over someone’s entire existence, made me feel like I was high.
I had always been attracted to powerful and dominant men. Now I understood why.
“Look how well you grovel.” I flashed the terrified man a mocking smile as I gently drew the blade along his jaw. “You’re a natural at this.”
“Please, Sterling,” he stammered. “Please, I’m begging you.”
“I know you are.”
I moved the blade down his throat towards his heart. His chest rose and fell with rapid, shallow breaths. And whatever he saw in my eyes made true panic and all-consuming fear crash over his features.
Cocking my head, I studied that expression. Memorizing it.
I gave him a soft smile.
Wright blinked in surprise, and then his shoulders relaxed a little as relief washed over his face instead.
“But unfortunately, it doesn’t matter,” I finished.
And then I rammed the knife into his heart.
He gasped, which turned into a choking noise. And then a wet sliding sound and a gurgle mixed with a groan as I yanked out the blade again. A few drops of warm blood flew through the air with the abrupt motion, splattering my face. I didn’t bother wiping them off.
Blood bloomed like a gruesome flower on Captain Wright’s chest, turning his spotless white shirt red.
Releasing his collar, I let him topple sideways and crash down on the floor. His body spasmed a few times while the life bled out of him. I watched with curious eyes.
So that was the sound a man made when you rammed a blade through his chest.
She returned with blood splattered across her face.
I was pacing back and forth across her hallway, wondering why she hadn’t shown up yet. We were supposed to go back to the parliament building and try to find another way in, but she hadn’t returned when she said she would. I was just starting to consider sneaking over to the constable force’s headquarters to investigate what might have happened when the door to Eve’s house was unlocked and then yanked open.
My heart stopped when I saw the blood on her face. I scanned her body for injuries, and was just about to demand to know if someone had hurt her, when my gaze landed on the bloody knife she was holding in her right hand. Confusion flitted through my brain as I snapped my gaze back up to her face.
“What happened?” I asked.
Eve closed the front door behind her again and locked it before turning back to me with a wide grin on her lips. “I stopped to kill Captain Wright on my way home.”
Shock pulsed through me. I blinked, and for a while, all I could do was stare at her.
Completely oblivious to my stunned surprise, Eve just sauntered past me into the kitchen and placed the knife on the counter there before washing the blood off her hands. The blood on her face remained. Then she walked back into the hallway and removed her boots.