Page 63 of Heartless Enemy
My heart pattered in my chest. By the Current, I had just broken into a worldwalker’s castle and kidnapped a healer, butnowI was suddenly nervous.
“Do you remember what you asked me when I came back after I had found out what Ulric had done?” I asked, my mouth suddenly very dry.
Levi once more searched my face. Carefully. Hesitantly. “Yes. I asked what this meant for us.”
“And I said that it meant that I was in. That I would help you get the south side.” I chewed my lip for a second before continuing. “That wasn’t what I meant. Well, I meant that too. But it was… half of an answer.”
“What was the other half?”
“It was… What I really meant to say was… I’m staying.”
Levi’s eyes lit up so brightly that they rivaled the stars. His mouth dropped open slightly as he just stared at me for a few seconds. My heart pounded in my chest. Then he at last spoke.
“You’re staying?”
He sounded both hopeful and terrified, as if he was worried that I would take it back. It almost broke my heart to hear it. And I was most certainly not taking it back.
“Yes,” I said, giving him a decisive nod. “When my ruse on the north side is finished, I’m staying on the south side. With you.”
His smile sent a pang straight through my heart.
Then he tilted his head and watched me with a curious expression. “Why didn’t you say that back then?”
“Because I was… worried.”
“About what?”
“You asked me to stay the day before that, and I said no. And I didn’t just say no. I said goodbye and then walked out the door without a second look back.” Clearing my throat, I glanced towards the star-dusted lake instead. “I wasn’t sure if the offer was still on the table.”
A warm hand appeared on my skin as Levi took my chin between his fingers and turned my face back to his. “Oh, spitfire. Haven’t you learned by now? You’ve been mine since the day you pulled a sword on me in my own throne room, and you always will be mine. You own me. My heart. My soul. My everything.”
I drew in a shuddering breath, my heart swelling so much that I thought it was going to burst through my ribcage.
He stroked his thumb over my cheekbone. “My Court will always be your Court too.”
A giddy laugh bubbled up my throat. Leaning forward, I slid my fingers through his dark hair and kissed him deeply. “Good.” I laughed against his mouth and then drew back enough to grin at him. “Because you’re never getting rid of me now.”
He matched my villainous grin. “I’m counting on it.”
“And I don’t just want my own drawer in your bedroom. I want my own closet.”
His chest shook against my side as he chuckled while drawing me closer to his muscular body. Warmth enveloped me as he draped his arm over my shoulders and held me tightly.
“Whatever you want, spitfire.” He kissed the top of my head as we gazed out at the stars that glittered in the lake before us. “Anything at all.”
Malgrave at last appeared on the horizon. A tightness in my chest that I hadn’t even noticed until now eased the moment I laid eyes on that city.Mycity. I might not have been born there, but it was my home. The home that I had chosen. And I felt more comfortable, more like myself, there on that extraordinary south side with its colorful lights, its distinct smell of perfume, spilled alcohol, and blood, and its unapologetically sinful lifestyle, than I did anywhere else on this entire continent. I was going to make it mine. Fully. Completely. Officially mine. If it was the last thing I did.
A cold fall wind swept across the fields, making the grass tremble. I scanned the area around us. It was midday, so there were other travelers on the road as well. But none of them paid us any mind. They all just flipped up the collars of their jackets or pulled their hats down while continuing towards the waiting warmth of Malgrave with determination. I glanced at my two travel companions.
Eve rubbed her hands together against the cold, but her eyes stayed sharp as she scanned the grasslands for signs of threats. Specifically, signs of Christian White, if I had to guess. We were still about a half-hour ride away from the gates, so the risk of him randomly spotting us out here was slight. But it was better to be alert.
Between us, Derek Reynolds rode quietly, just like he had the entire trip. But now that Malgrave was in view, his expression had changed. During most of our journey, it had been neutral. Or it had at least stopped being fearful once we had put some distance between us and Helspire. But now, dread washed over the thin man’s features as he stared across the grasslands and towards the city.
We hadn’t told him anything, and he hadn’t asked either. In fact, he hadn’t even tried to sneak out and ride away when we stopped at the inn. I couldn’t help but wonder if he had tried to escape from White in the beginning, and whether the punishment he must have received because of that was the reason why he hadn’t even attempted to make a break for it now.
The thought made me irrationally angry. I didn’t really care about this man. But I knew what it felt like to be trapped and terrified.