Page 13 of Devils Tooth Ridge
“Maybe I do. Better watch out next time you are in the shower, Jack. If you bend over, I might just take it as an invitation.” I said softly, earning more chuckles from the others as Jack narrowed his eyes.
“Better watch yourself, Wyatt. No one will care if you get hurt.” He said softly and I stiffened at the threat.
“Come on now, Jack. He’s just pulling yer leg, mate. Let it go.” Barry said and I waited until Jack waved him off, turning back to the game.
Satisfied that I wasn’t going to have to get my hands dirty tonight, I laid down on my bed and thought about the woman who now held our future in her hands.
I hated hearing someone like Jack talk about her like that, though the man she was with seemed like he was just as much of a dickhead.
Before I could stop the images, I imagined her on her knees, those haunted eyes looking up at me with nothing but pleasure and desire.
Damn, now I was lusting after William’s girl. Not that she was his either, but the kid talked about her nonstop and had put her on a pedestal of saintly desire so high that I hoped no one got hurt when that image shattered.
He was a good kid and the only one I trusted with my life here on the ranch. He got his hands dirty too soon and I know Beau tried to protect him from that.
Not that anyone could when your entire business was a front for laundering money and shipping drugs for powerful people.
I stuck my hat over my face, letting the sound of the men lull me to sleep, images of a pretty blonde with dark stormy eyes gracing my dreams.
I had Trigger saddled and ready to go before any of the others were awake, knowing William wouldn’t be far behind me.
Mornings started early, even earlier for us when we had to mend the fence before moving the herd to the next paddock.
I spotted William heading over with the keys to the ATV that we would need to take the equipment.
“Early as always.” He said with a grin, and I shrugged.
“I packed the ATV already. Just waiting for you.” I said and he nodded, double-checking everything before he climbed on.
“Gonna be a scorcher of a day today. But there is a wet weather warning coming over the next few weeks.” He said.
I swung up on Trigger, adjusting my hat as I got comfortable.
“Might have to move the sheep then,” I replied and he nodded before taking off with me following.
The sun was just beginning to break over the horizon, the heat already making me sweat and with the sun, the blowies as William called them would descend like the plague.
The flies were something I was still adjusting to here, relentless as they were.
By the time we made it to the fence in need of repair, the sun was well and truly up, reminding us why they called this the sunburnt country.
“Ahhh shit,” William muttered as he turned off the ATV. I looked over to see the reason for his frustration and sighed.
“Damn bloody roo got caught in the fence. Probably what ruined it in the first place.” William said as I secured Trigger and searched for the pliers to cut it free.
“It’s already dead.” He said with a hint of emotion. No one liked to see animals die out here.
“I’ll dig a hole. Don’t want it attracting scavengers before we move the herd.” I said as I grabbed the shovel.
“Hold up. There’s a joey here.” He said and I dropped the shovel to check it out. It was still in its mother’s pouch, big enough that it probably spent a lot of time out on its own, but still small enough to want its mother.
“Want me to call the vet?” I asked, grabbing the radio and William flashed me his signature cheeky grin.
“Nah, I have a better idea. There’s a certain woman I know who has a weakness for baby animals.” He said with a wink and I shook my head, trying not to laugh.
“You are going to use an innocent animal to try and woo the woman who is here with her boyfriend?” I asked as he took off his shirt and wrapped the joey up.
“You okay if I take Trigger and the joey back to the house? Don’t want to let it stay out here in the sun while we work.” He stood, the little animal’s face peeking out from the shirt as he stood there, muscles flexing, and skin already covered with a sheen of sweat.