Page 21 of Devils Tooth Ridge
“Werundrugs,money,and weapons,” Beau said as he stared at me.
I didn’t know what to say. This man had confessed his love and threatened to beat someone and was now telling me they were involved in crime.
“Look, I know it is a lot to take in. Why don’t we go inside, and we can talk.” Beau continued and I nodded, letting him lead me inside because what else was I supposed to do?
Mama was nervously moving around the kitchen, her eyes darting to Beau as she put the kettle on. I watched her, seeing things in a new light.
“You knew,” I said softly and her guilty look told me everything.
“It’s more complicated than you think.” She said as I sat at the table, turning to Beau as I waited for his explanation.
“Austin and a few other families in town made a decision thirty years ago.” He started and I had a sinking feeling in my stomach.
Thirty years ago. That was right before I was born.
“The ranch was struggling financially, and he was close to bankruptcy just like the others. He was in Sinclair Bay, talking to some big investors and banks to see if he could get some support for the town, but no one listened. No one except for Sergei.” He said and my mouth went dry as I looked at Mama.
Her cheeks were flush as she got busy making cups of tea, never meeting my eyes.
“What are you saying? That Sergei is the reason you are doing crime?” I asked, feeling ridiculous as I said it even though I knew who and what Sergei was now.
“Yes. He was working on behalf of his own employer. They made an offer for some quick money that Austin didn’t want to refuse, along with the others. They used cattle trucks to ship product all over the country as well as export. It was easy and they made a lot of money, enough that it pulled them out of debt for years.” Beau said as he smiled at Mama when she put down the tea.
“Thank you, Grace.” He said and she smiled tightly, sitting down across from me.
“What they didn’t realize after that was, they had essentially signed away their lives to the devil. Sergei appeared a few weeks later to remind them what they had done and what they were now committed to doing until they were no longer required.” Beau sighed and I frowned.
“So, what you are telling me is that you work for the Russian mafia?” I asked and Mama gasped as Beau’s eyes widened.
“No. We work for a group of men known only as The Fellowship.” He said and I shook my head.
“That doesn’t make sense. Sergei worked for the mafia.” I insisted, trying to block out the memories as they battered my mind.
“How do you know that?” Mama whispered and I laughed bitterly.
“I had an encounter with the men he and my brother worked for. I know who Sergei was.” I said and rolled my eyes as she covered her mouth.
“I never wanted you to know. I tried to do the right thing, but I never wanted him in your life. He was dangerous for you.” She said and I glared at her.
“Then you should have thought about that before you fucked him.” I shot and she slammed her cup onto the table so hard, that liquid splashed onto the table.
“I didn’t have a choice!” She snarled and I sat back in shock. Mama never raised her voice.
“Oh, I see your judgment, those eyes that look at me like I am a disgrace. I let you hate me for the last two years because it was better than you knowing the truth.” She said and I glanced at Beau who looked concerned but just as confused as I was.
“And what is the truth, Mama? Are you going to tell me that you didn’t sleep with another man?” I said and she closed her eyes, sighing in defeat.
“Austin, forgive me. I can’t keep it from her anymore.” She whispered before looking at me with tears rolling down her cheeks.
“I never chose to sleep with Sergei. He forced himself on me, time and time again. He threatened to kill Austin if I didn’t and threatened to kill me if Austin tried to stop him. It wasn’t until I found out I was pregnant that he stopped.” Her voice broke.
I felt light-headed as I realized she meant that I was a product of rape. Mama reached for me, and I pulled my hand away.
“You need to know that Austin and I loved you with everything we are. How you came into this world didn’t matter to us once you were here and Sergei, in his own way, loved you too.” She said and I laughed, pushing away from the table.