Page 45 of Devils Tooth Ridge
“Ohhh I really like him,” Gabriel said as Rosslyn elbowed him in the ribs.
“Glad to know where you stand,” Mikhail said before he sat back in his chair.
“So where are we at with everything?” He said and Beau sighed.
“All of our employees just walked out last night so we don’t have any extra hands to help here or over at the Boone brother’s place. They sent an update today that they are almost done with packaging so we can get it on our trucks. But we want out. This was supposed to be our last deal and now I’m worried it isn’t.” He said and Mikhail nodded before he looked at me.
“For what it is worth, I’m sorry my father got your family involved in this mess.” He looked pained and I hated that.
“It isn’t your fault. It's all in the past anyway. We need to figure out who this Fellowship is.” I said and he nodded.
“I agree. The easiest way to get out of this would be to cut the head off the snake so to speak. Have you got anything I can work with? Names? Phone numbers?” He looked at Beau and he slid his phone over.
“I have a number. They call him the Collector. That’s all I know.” Mikhail took the phone as he opened his laptop.
“What about the Russians? That Katerina woman who shot Ivan. Would she have any idea of who we are dealing with?” I asked and Mikhail glanced at Anatoly.
“We could try. She might have some clue.” Anatoly said and Beau frowned.
“Wouldn’t the Russians be involved still?” he asked as Mikhail dialed Katerina.
“Mikhail. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Katerina purred as he put her on speaker. I glanced at my brother, thinking he would be annoyed at her tone, but I only saw amusement. Things really had changed.
“Do you know much about who my father was working for?” He said and she was quiet for a long time.
“That was a long time ago. I was not on the inside then.” She said, not answering the question.
“I need to know who the Fellowship are. They are threatening my family.” He said and she hummed, someone talking in the background.
“If the Fellowship is involved, that is far more complicated than a simple hit and run, Mikhail.” She said and my stomach sank.
“Don’t leave the man hanging, no one likes a cock tease.” A man said in the background, his English accent thick and I nearly choked on my water.
“Hamish. Kindly fuck off and stay out of my conversations.” She said with an annoyed sigh.
“Can’t. Shan’t. Won’t, love. Not when I have answers that you don’t.” He said and I heard the groan from Katerina.
“Mik. How’s it going?” Hamish said with too much cheerfulness.
“Hello, Hamish. Always a pleasure.” Mikhail said with a half-smile.
“Look. I don’t have a whole lot for you, but I do have this. The Fellowship are rich men. Like Old Money rich. They pop up from time to time in the court system. They have their own little code of conduct and people working for them. You know that Redvue business? That has nothing on the Fellowship.” He said and Mikhail looked at Anatoly and Gabriel with fear in his eyes.
“How do you know this?” he asked, and Hamish sighed.
“I had a run-in with them once. My family was approached to work for them, but I had no interest in working for a corrupt bunch of old men who think they can rule the world. All I know is they have their fingers in a lot of pies. They do keep a low profile, but these are the kind of men who have tea with Presidents. Be careful.” He warned and I looked at Beau who had reached for my hand.
“Thanks. Katerina? Do you have anything that can help me?” Mikhail asked and she hesitated.
“I have the name of the man your father was in contact with. I believe his code name was the Collector. He wasn’t well-liked even by Ivan. They rarely crossed paths and the bratva tried to stay out of their business. I don’t know how your father got involved but once in, the only way out is death.” She said and William sucked in a breath.
“Aren’t you all part of the same thing? Sergei worked for you too.” Beau said and I squeezed his hand in warning.
“Contrary to what you may believe Mr. Daley, just because I am Russian does not mean I am the enemy. Sergei worked for Ivan not me and he also worked for the Fellowship. They had an uneasy truce, but they were not friends.” She said and Beau looked at Mikhail as he spoke.
“How do you know who I am?” He asked and I knew that answer already.
“Because I am the one who discovered Mikhail's secrets. I am the one who knew about Anya.” She said and I heard the hesitation.