Page 5 of Devils Tooth Ridge
“Come on. Let’s go inside and wait until Mama gets back.” I said, not waiting to see if Damien had followed me.
I forgot the Daley brothers had been working on the ranch. They grew up on a smaller farm next door, the Daley ranch grew mostly feed for cattle and when their parents wanted to retire, Austin bought them out and pulled the land under the Hart banner.
I had always had a crush on William's older brother Beau. He was a year older than me. I wonder if he was married with kids?
Not that it mattered. I was here for one thing only. To sell the ranch.
Thesoundofmusicand laughter echoed from the shed as I wandered in from the stables.
Anya was back.
We all knew that the ranch was now in her hands and most of us hadn’t been worried, thinking about the girl we had known and her love for this place.
But the woman that had stood next to that fancy-looking car wasn’t the same girl I had known. The brightness that had followed Anya was gone and, in its place, a dark cloud hung over her.
Oh, she was still just as stunning as I remembered, but the muscle tone was gone, her frame slimmer and frail. She looked like she was one strong breeze away from breaking and it brought back the question as to why she left in the first place.
The man with her looked like one of those fancy rich kids who had never done a hard day’s work in his life.
“Are you sure that is the same person you have been pining over?” Wyatt said from behind me, and I rolled my eyes.
“That’s her alright. However, she is different. I guess the big city does that to people.” I said as we made our way to the table where Mrs. Hart had laid out the feast.
“I hope you’re hungry boys.” She said with a smile.
“Thanks, Mrs. Hart. It smells amazing.” I said as I looked at the roast lamb and vegetables.
“William. How many times do I have to tell you to call me Grace.” She said and I grinned.
“At least once more, Mrs. Hart.” I teased her and she slapped my arm playfully.
“How are the fences?” My brother said from his chair near the door.
“There is a minor break up near Paddock Nine. Should be a quick fix before we move the herd tomorrow. Saw some big browns up that way.” I said.
“Mate, I nearly got bit the other day from one when I was taking a piss up at the front paddock. Bloody bastard was hissing like a cat, was as angry as my ex.” Jack said.
“You ain’t got no ex, Jack. No woman would want to do the tango with you.” Barry teased and the others laughed.
“Hey Wyatt, the Chase boys need a hand with some shearing, feel like making a few extra quid?” Barry asked and Wyatt frowned at me.
“Bucks. Dollars. Extra cash. Money.” I said as an explanation. The American was still adjusting to our slang and I had somehow ended up as the unofficial interpreter.
“Fuckin, yanks,” Jack muttered and Mrs. Hart slapped him upside the head.
“Jack. You watch your mouth around here. I won’t have any of that crap on my ranch.” She said and he mumbled an apology.
“I’ve never sheared.” Wyatt said and I shrugged.
“We can teach you. Beau and I were going to give them a hand this year too.” Wyatt nodded as he took a seat next to Beau.
The man was huge, his hulking frame was all muscle though, and I got the impression he was here running from a past he didn’t want to admit to. Not that it was surprising, most drifters through these parts were willing to work as long as no one questioned them.
“Speaking of that, Mrs. Hart. You will never guess who I ran into. Anya is here with some fancy pants-looking guy.” I said and noticed Beau sit up taller.