Page 62 of Devils Tooth Ridge
I pulled my phone out to find Gideon's details and gave them to Mikhail.
“Why do I get the feeling that Gideon has been involved in far more than we realize?” I said warily and Gabriel sat back with a sigh.
“This feels bigger than just drug deals. We have been here before when we dealt with the Redvue company. There are layers here. Hamish said they were Old Money. So what would they want with drugs?” Gabriel said and I had to agree.
“The only reason anyone gets into the drug and weapon business is to produce more money or for power,” I said and Anatoly agreed.
“But the way the Collector spoke to Beau made it seem like they weren’t necessarily on the same side.” He said and I sat down next to Anya who was now leaning against William.
“Call him. See what he says.” She said and I glanced at Mikhail.
“If you give me a second, I’ll set up a trace. See if I can find something.” He said and I reached out to take Anya's hand, kissing her palm.
“We are in this together. We will figure it out.” I said softly and she gave me a half smile.
“Okay. Make the call.” Mikhail said and I picked up my phone and dialed.
“Wyatt. I hope this isn’t a legal matter that I need to get you out of.” Gideon’s silky voice said as he picked up.
“No. This is to do with Anya Hart and the Fellowship.” I said, going straight to the point. He chuckled like I had told him the most obvious thing ever.
“Oh. That business. I had wondered when I would get this call. I take it you are with dear Anya now?” He said and I looked at Anya who had an expression of pure anger.
“Hello,Grandfather.” She spat.
“Why have you been meddling in my life and who do you work for?” She said and he sighed.
“I only tried to protect you. Who I work for is irrelevant. This is a conversation best had in person. Are you at the ranch?” He asked.
“Yes,” she said warily.
“I’ll be there in a few hours.” He said before he hung up.
Thirty one
Wewaitedanxiouslyforthe arrival of Gideon, my world feeling like it was slowly coming apart.
“We should call Beau,” I said and William shook his head.
“Wait until we have more information first. He can’t do much about it right now and he won’t be back until the early morning. There is no point in worrying him when we don’t know what is happening.” He said and I sighed.
He was right of course.
“If he is getting here within an hour, that means he is close. Too close for my liking. Where do you think he is situated?” I said and Mikhail hummed, turning his laptop around.
“The Mountain range. He is based out in Deville, so it isn’t far from here.” He said and I scrolled through the screen, looking at the images of Gideon.
“Good skiing up there in the winter,” William muttered as I stopped on one of the photos.
For a man in his late sixties, he didn’t look a day over fifty. He was well put together, his hair peppered with gray at the sides.
He was cutting the ribbon for a new wing at the Academy in the town. So, he was one of those kinds of people. Rich, classy, and arrogant as hell.
“How is he getting here so quickly? It is still a two-hour drive…” Wyatt started before we heard the whirring sound of a helicopter.
“No way. You have got to be kidding me. The man has a fucking helicopter.” I said as we all went outside to watch the small thing land.