Page 121 of Lawless
These two men have had a rivalry that has lasted their entire lives. The way Mav used to talk about Reid made me think that it wasn’t something that would ever change.
He might never have been able to explain the reason why he hated Reid. It was all face-value things that stemmed from childhood. But I never got the impression that it was something that Mav would get over easily.
But seeing them together at Reid’s place. Watching them find some kind of even footing, it’s been quite incredible.
I’m not stupid, I know that they’re not going to go from enemies to BFFs in the blink of an eye. But having the same enemy. One so much more powerful than their hatred of each other, well… it might just be the start of something beautiful.
Or I might just be crazy.
Seeing that hatred, that anger in Reid’s eyes now though. Feeling the tension that’s locking up his body. I’d hazard a guess that he’s hurting over what Mav has suffered just like I am.
I’m not sure when exactly we joined the same team. Maybe it was the moment I finally confessed everything, or maybe it was before that. Maybe it was from the moment I was first thrown into Reid’s cell. But that’s exactly what this feels like. It’s not something I’ve ever really experienced before.
Sure, I had Kristie. But she was never fully aware of what our lives were really like. And then I had Mav. We were a team. Both of us focused on the end goal of shedding some corrupt Hawk blood and then running off into the sunset. But it was just the two of us, and as nice as the dream was, I realize now that that’s exactly what it was.
We couldn’t go up against the mighty Victor Harris and win. It was never going to matter what intel the two of us managed to dig up.
But now… I’ve got not one, but three fierce and deadly Hawks behind me. Fighting both with me and for me.
A true team.
That thought makes butterflies flutter wildly in my belly and a warmth spread from my chest.
“I swear to you, I tried to protect you.” He clears his throat before looking up and holding my eyes. “Both of you.”
“I believe you. Thank you for coming for us.”
“I’d have been there days ago if I could find you.”
I try to smile, I really do. I appreciate the shit out of what he’s saying, but I just can’t manage it.
“You want another cracker?” he asks when he notices that I’ve nibbled through a whole one. “Or your coffee?”
I think for a moment, trying to decide if my stomach can handle either of those suggestions.
Shaking my head, I take another sip of my water.
“Tell me what you need, Pet. Anything. I’ll make it happen,” he promises fiercely.
My eyes burn and my nose itches with emotion.
Who knew this cold, twisted gangster actually possessed a heart under all his layers of impenetrable armor?
Ripping my eyes from him, I glance down at myself, wincing at the state of both JD’s shirt and my dirty legs.
Suddenly, the memory of their hands on my body makes me want to claw my own skin off.
“I need a bath,” I blurt. “A really hot one.”
Leaning over, he abandons his mug before shifting me slightly.
“Now that is something I can do.”
In seconds, I’m in his arms again and we’re walking through a door to my right.
The second we’re engulfed by darkness, I panic and cling tighter to him. Hating those memories from our time in that aircraft hangar consumes me so violently.