Page 131 of Lawless
A familiar tingle begins in the tips of my fingers, but I can’t focus on that.
“Fuck. ALANA?” I shout again before rushing out of the room.
The sun is shining through the huge windows as I run into the hallway. There are mugs on the table in front of the couch and a plate of crackers. But she’s not there.
I pause, desperately trying to listen for voices. But the blood rushing past my ears is too loud.
I know that I shouldn’t panic. I know we’re meant to be safe here and that she was in no state to run. But that doesn’t matter.
Clenching my fists, I will myself to calm down. Nothing good ever happens when I freak the fuck out.
But I can’t help it.
“Alana,” I whimper desperately, pathetically.
Taking a deep breath, I look around, trying to think rationally.
But then I notice the scent in the air.
My eyes dart toward an ajar door on the other side of the hallway, and I rush forward.
Slamming my hand down on the door, it swings open with ease, crashing back against the wall.
The relief that floods me is overwhelming as I find both Reid and Alana staring at me with wide eyes from the bathtub.
Lifting my trembling hand, I cover my racing heart as the room spins around me. “Oh my God. Fuck. FUCK.”
Focusing on Alana’s eyes, I beg for the calm to come. And thankfully, after only a second or two, it does.
“I thought you’d gone again,” I murmur quietly.
“Julian,” she breathes, shifting away from Reid, keeping her attention trained on me. Although, it only takes a few seconds for her eyes to drop to the bandage on my wrist.
My heart picks up speed again at the thought of having to confess to what I did. Of explaining just how badly I lost my fucking mind when she disappeared on me. When they all disappeared on me.
But then her brow furrows and sadness washes through her features and reality hits.
“You told her.” It’s not a question. It doesn’t need to be. The answer is written all over Alana’s face. And it doesn’t get any better when I turn to my best friend.
He looks guilty as fuck.
“J,” he starts.
“Did you tell her everything?” I interrupt.
“What? No, of course I didn’t. I just… she saw the bandage. I wasn’t going to lie to her. There’s been enough of that bullshit already.”
My eyebrow quirks. “You fucking think? Jesus,” I mutter, scrubbing my hand down my face as I look between the two of them. “The whole reason we’re here and in this fucking state is because of the secrets and lies.”
Neither of them says anything. What is there to say to the harsh truth of the situation?
Changing tactics, I take a step closer, getting a better look at the two of them in the tub.
“What are you two doing, exactly?”
Alana reaches up to tuck a lock of wet hair behind her ear, while Reid swallows thickly.