Page 135 of Lawless
I shoot Reid a concerned look before reaching out and dragging her chair closer to me so I can wrap my arm around her.
“Baby, I’ll always want to eat you for breakfast. Probably for the best you get used to it. Pretty sure big man over there has had similar thoughts this morning.”
She tenses.
“You shouldn’t,” she says darkly, pushing her plate away. “I’m broken.”
The screech of wood on wood rips through the air as she shoves her chair out behind her. Without another word, she takes off toward the doors that will lead her outside.
My heart drops into my stomach and I rush to stand so I can follow her.
“Stop,” Reid demands, making my movements falter. “Just give her a minute.”
“That’s bullshit,” I spit, unsure if I’m talking about his demand for me not to follow her, or the words she said before taking off. Quite honestly, it could be both.
“I know you want to fix her, J. But it’s going to take more than a cuddle and telling her you want to eat her pussy.”
Irritation rushes through me, and I throw the fork in my hand across the table.
“I fucking know that,” I seethe.
“Good. Now sit down and eat. You need the strength just as much as she does. She’ll still be here when you’re done. And maybe then, she’ll be willing to talk.”
“She didn’t talk to you this morning?” I ask, lowering my ass back to the chair like a good little soldier.
“A little. Mostly, she cried,” he confesses, sending a wave of jealousy through me. I want to be the one to hold her as she breaks, and I want to be the one who puts her back together. Just like I hope she’s going to be able to do for me.
“Fuck. I think that’s worse.”
“She’s strong, J. But even the strongest of people have limits.”
“You think… you think they ra—”
“I don’t think so,” he says in a rush, cutting off my final words before they spill free. “Does it matter if they did?”
“If you’re questioning whether it makes me feel differently about her, then no, of course not. If you’re asking if it means I want to hurt them more than I already do, then yes, it really fucking matters.”
“Good. That’s good,” he mutters before shoveling another forkful of breakfast into his mouth.
“What’s the plan now, then, Boss?”
He glances up at me as he chews.
That one looks says it all.
He hasn’t got a fucking clue.
The warm fall air blows around me, but it does little to stop the goose bumps that have erupted over my skin.
Staring out at trees, I feel nothing but empty and broken.