Page 157 of Lawless
Yes, we’ve got a lot—and I mean, a lot—of issues to work through and mountains to overcome, but I’ve got faith in us.
Or more so, I’ve got faith in Alana to be the glue that holds us all together, even through the bad times.
All we need is for everyone—Reid—to pull their heads out of their asses and be on the same page and we’re set.
I lie there listening, waiting to see what was going to happen.
The need to slip out of bed and go and see was all-consuming.
More than anything, I wanted my best friend to put everything aside and just take what he wants for once.
Others might not see it, but he’s forever putting everyone else first. It’s time he had a little of his own happiness.
I’d almost convinced myself to go down and discover what was happening when the first clue filled the air.
A smile spread across my lips at the same time my dick tented the sheets covering me.
As much as I might have wanted to be the first one to prove to her that what happened back in that aircraft hangar meant nothing to us, deep down, I knew that it needed to come from Reid.
He’s been the one holding back all this time. If anyone was going to convince her that she’s still the beautiful, sexy woman we first locked up in the basement, then it had to be him.
Once I knew what was happening down there, my need to go and see only multiplied.
With my eyes closed, I tried to imagine what they looked like, what he was doing to her to elicit the kinds of cries and pleas that were spilling from her full lips.
But as much as I wanted it, I forced myself to stay exactly where I was and let them have their moment alone.
Hell knows Reid needed it.
It was hard. Beyond fucking hard. And my dick didn’t give a shit that it was currently in bed with another man. All it wanted was her and it was willing to do anything to get it.
By the time they’d finished, it was all I could do to stumble to the bathroom and rub one out with the sound of Alana’s cries still echoing in my ears.
After I got some relief, I fell back to sleep shockingly fast.
Mav missed the entire thing, and I’m not sure if that was a good thing or not.
Reid isn’t the only one who’s going to need a few harsh words with himself because something tells me that Mav isn’t going to take to all this as easy as he’s making out.
Sharing his wife with his enemy… yeah. Not exactly an everyday occurrence.
My reluctance to give them space has long run out and the second I open my eyes to find the sun shining outside, I swing my legs off the bed and go in search of my dove.
The second I step into the living room and find them curled up on the couch together under a blanket, I can’t help but smile.
Moving closer, I lower my ass to the chair closest to them and just watch.
Both are sleeping soundly, their shallow breaths filling the room.
Alana’s full lips are parted, her eyelids flickering as she dreams, and all I can do is pray that it’s a good one. At least she’s got the protection of the baddest motherfucker in Harrow Creek if it isn’t.
I can’t see him holding her, but I know he is. Something tells me that even in his sleep, his muscles are so taut that no one would be able to steal her from his grasp.
I’ve no idea how long I sit there watching them, but it’s long enough for the sun to get higher in the sky, changing the shape and size of the shadows across the hardwood floor.
It’s so peaceful here. So much so it’s almost possible to believe the danger we’re in doesn’t actually exist.
I’m so lost in thoughts of what’s happening outside of these four walls that I don’t notice Alana open her eyes.