Page 71 of Lawless
Without another word, he takes what’s left of my breakfast and leaves me alone with JD for the first time since I got back.
Long seconds pass after he closes the door behind him until I find some words.
“Fuck, J.” I sigh. “I’m guessing you didn’t see my note.”
“I should have woken you and explained. I just… I thought you’d see it and call me. I was going to explain everything. Fuck. I can’t believe how badly I fucked this up. I’m so fucking sorry.”
Getting up, I walk over to the window and stare out at Harrow Creek, disappointed that I don’t find it engulfed in flames.
“I’m going to fix all of this, J,” I promise. “I’ve no idea how. Everything is even more fucked than you know. But somehow… somehow, I’m going to give us all the lives we deserve.”
The image on my cell taunts me.
“I’m not going to leave you again. You’re my priority right now, J. I can’t do the rest of it without you. Just like we always planned, we will take over this motherfucking town. You still with me?”
Letting my head fall back, I send up a prayer. I’ve no idea if anyone up there listens to fucked-up motherfuckers like me, but right now, I’m willing to try anything to fix this. To fix him.
Falling into the chair Ezra was in not so long ago, I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees and just watch him, waiting for any sign of life to prove that Doc’s words were right. That he’s going to get through this.
And before I know what I’m doing, I let another promise spill from my lips.
“I’ll bring her back for you, J.”
I swear his little finger twitches at my words.
“Fuck,” I sigh.
I’ve never felt so fucking torn in my entire life.
Pulling my cell from my pocket, I open the tracking app that shows where everyone is.
Ez is here. So is Ellis now it seems, and Dev is halfway between Maddison and Harrow Creek.
It’s the other dots that I’m more concerned about, but it seems they haven’t moved.
My grip on my cell tightens to the point I think I’m going to crack it before I open the photo again, not allowing my eyes to linger on the two figures and instead the background, desperately trying to search for signs. But there is very little to go on. I’m not surprised. My father is smarter than he looks, which is why I believe every single word of that message he sent me.
I’ve just got to hope he’s not smart enough to be aware of some of the things I have in play right now.
Things that will hopefully lead me straight to wherever they are. And if they’re in a better state than JD is right now then all the better.
* * *
“What’s going down then, Boss?” Devin asks when I finally drag myself from JD’s side to join them.
As much as I don’t want to leave him, the last thing I want is him waking to the things we’re going to need to discuss.
“Clearly it isn’t Alana because, according to this douche, she’s gone,” he continues, jerking his chin in Ez’s direction.
“Ellis,” I say, ignoring the other two momentarily. “Can you get up-to-date tracking? I don’t think mine is right.”