Page 161 of Fearless
“Nana?” she whispers, her eyes glistening with tears.
“Oh sweetheart,” I whisper as my eyes collide with Mav’s.
He steps up to us and presses a dirty, grazed hand against her back.
“Nana has gone to see Mommy, Daisy.”
Her bottom lip trembles.
“In heaven?” she asks, her voice cracked with emotion.
“Yeah, baby girl. She’s going to be so happy to see your mommy.”
“B-but… what about me?”
Shadows fall over us as JD and Reid close in around us.
“You know that really big house up on the hill?” Mav says.
She nods.
“That’s where Reid lives.”
“It’s scawee.”
“To some people, yes,” I say before the guys can respond. “But do you want to know a secret?” I ask, hoping like hell that what I’m about to say is true.
She nods a little more eagerly.
“It’s my favorite place in the world. And not only that. It’s the safest too.”
“And,” JD adds. “It has so many rooms, we could play hide and seek for hours.”
Her little eyes light up.
“And there’s a pool,” he adds for good measure.
A car rumbles in the distance putting all of us on edge instantly.
The guys, including Griff who abandoned his post beside my lifeless father, all come to stand protectively in front of me and Daisy and pull their guns, ready to fight.
My heart is in my throat, my grip on Daisy probably bordering on painful as the lights get brighter.
But the second the car becomes clear, Reid’s shoulders noticeably relax.
“It’s Dev,” he says, breathing a sigh of relief.
Another car follows not a minute later with Ezra in the driver’s seat.
“Dude, you made a fucking mess here,” Devin says, sauntering over with a smirk.
“Yeah, sorry about that.”
The second Ellis walks over, Reid pulls him into a hug and thumps him on the back. His gratitude over what he discovered is palpable.
“You saved our lives, man.”
Ellis shrugs him off. “It was nothing. You should have fucking checked yourself,” he points out, earning him a playful punch to the shoulder.