Page 183 of Fearless
“Well, you haven’t hit anything important… yet. So a few days, probably,” Mav says behind me.
I consider that for a moment before nodding.
“A few days is good,” I decide, taking a step back. The second I do, arms wrap around me and the warmth of JD and Mav’s bodies rushes down my sides.
With one last hard look at my father, I spin in their arms and march toward the door.
The second I step into the hallway, all my fight leaves me and my knees buckle. But they’re right behind me and a strong set of arms wraps around me and holds me up.
“We’ve got you, Dove.”
“What do you need?” Mav asks as the sound of the cell door slamming closed and locking rocks through me.
Letting my head hang forward, I close my eyes, but the second I do, all I can see is him.
The cold hard eyes of my father as he watched me suffer.
“You,” I breathe, aware that Mav asked me a question. “All of you.”
Nothing but silence greets my request, but before I get a chance to say anything further, my legs are swept from beneath me and I’m being carried toward the stairs, their heavy footsteps following closely behind me.
The sound of my favorite Disney movie floats from the living room along with happy little girl laughter as we hit the stairs.
Ezra and Griff are on babysitting duty, keeping our girl entertained while we went on a torturing session.
The level of fucked-up in that situation flickers in my subconscious but the thought never really lands.
I’m too lost in the past. In my nightmares.
And that can’t be the case now that I have a small person to look after.
It’s one of the reasons why I debated even going down there to start with.
Reid said I didn’t have to. He told me that he could handle everything. That he’d make sure he suffered for everything he did to me and that he’d get any bit of information I wanted from his lips.
While I appreciated the fuck out of the offer, I knew I’d forever regret not staring him in the eyes knowing that I’d won. That after all this time, all the years, the pain, the tears, that in the end, I came out on top. That Kristie and I will have a life long after he’s gone.
JD marches past both his and Mav’s bedrooms and he goes straight for Reid’s. Nothing is said between them as we burst inside and head straight for the bathroom.
It’s not until my eyes land on his massive walk-in shower that I remember that I’m covered in blood.
His blood.
My stomach turns over at the thought and I try to wiggle free of JD’s arms, desperate to wash it off me, to wash him off my body and out of my life.
“Whoa, Dove,” he breathes, setting me down gently. “We’ve got you. Let us take care of you.”
It’s not until I look up and find him blurry that I realize I’m crying.
“Please,” I whimper. “I need it gone.”
I don’t explain what, but they know. They always know.
A wall of heat surrounds me before fingers grip the bottom of my blood-sodden shirt and begin peeling it up my body.