Page 213 of Fearless
“Ready for this?” Mav asks from my right, JD standing firm on my life.
“Like you wouldn’t fucking believe,” I announce, pulling my gun from behind my back and taking off toward the building.
We step through the battered doors that once would have been an impressive entrance as more shots, shouts, and pounding footsteps fill the air.
It is fucking beautiful.
“So,” JD starts. “If you were Victor Harris, where would you hide?”
I want to say that he’d be in the basement. But that arrogant motherfucker wouldn’t subject himself to hiding like that. “The tower,” I say, my eyes crawling up the huge spiral staircase that will lead us up.
“Yeah,” Mav muses. “Sounds about right.”
Trusting our men to take care of Victor’s security, we march through the building, stepping over more than a few familiar faces who made the stupid decision to stick with Victor after believing his bullshit.
It doesn’t matter that they’re men I’ve known all my life; they’re the enemy. If they’re not with us, they’re against us and that’s all we need to know right now.
We hit the second floor and find Devin wiping blood from his cheek, an evil, sadistic grin on his face.
“About time you joined the party, motherfuckers,” he sneers.
“Anyone gone up to the tower?”
“Ez and Ellis are heading in that direction. I’ll follow you up.”
I nod, trusting him to keep watch as we continue to climb.
The first sign that we’re close and that we’re right about his location is the sudden explosion of gunfire from above.
I lock down thoughts of my little brothers being up there in the middle of it and focus.
It’s what they’re trained to do. And they’re damn good at their jobs.
With my finger resting on the trigger, I lift my gun as I approach a corner.
We’ve hit the top of the building; there is nowhere else to go.
This is it. Everything we’ve been waiting for.
Blood rushes past my ears as I look back to make sure JD and Mav are with me, and the second I have confirmation they are, we surge forward, and thank fuck I do because the first thing I see is a guy with his gun trained on the back of Ezra’s head.
My bullet rips through the cunt’s skull before he plummets to the ground in a heap.
“The fuck?” Ezra barks, his eyes wide.
“You’re welcome,” I say with a grin, ensuring I kick the asshole in the gut as I pass. “Repay me any time.”
Everything on this level of the building falls quiet as we come to a stop beside an ornate door.
“Ready for this?” Devin asks, having caught up.
“So fucking ready.”
Reaching out, I twist the handle and throw the door open.
Immediately, bullets start flying as the men Victor trusted the most embark on attempting to protect him.