Page 243 of Fearless
The whole place is cleaner and fresher.
The people are friendlier when you walk down the street.
Hell, we can actually walk down the freaking street and not have to look over our shoulder or worry about what might happen.It’s an incredibly freeing feeling I never thought I’d get to experience.
From the moment Reid put that bullet in his father’s skull, we became Harrow Creek royalty. The gratitude of the people for what my guys did is something I hope they’re never allowed to forget.
They’re incredible and they deserve to be reminded of that every single day, and not just by me.
With the three of them off ruling the town, and Daisy on an ice cream date with Kristie and Ezra, I, for once, have the house to myself.
And I have big plans. Upstairs there is a massive bathtub just waiting to be filled and in a cupboard behind me is a glass just waiting for some wine.
I love them, and I miss them, but also, I need this. Just a moment to take stock of everything that’s happened and how we got here.
It’s been a ride. One that’s been as painful as it has been wild.
But I wouldn’t want it any other way.
For us. It’s all been perfect.
And I can only hope it continues that way.
I rinse off the last plate from dinner and place it into the dishwasher before there’s a weird pop sound and the entire house is plunged into darkness.
A shriek rips from my lips as I look around. But with clouds covering the moon, and the lights of the town too far away to see, there is nothing but blackness surrounding me.
It’s okay. It’s just a power outage, I tell myself.
With my heart pounding, I reach around my body for my cell, but I quickly come up empty.
“Shit,” I hiss.
But before I get a chance to think about what to do, a noise catches my attention.
And then another.
Oh my God.
This isn’t just a power outage…
Reaching out, my fingers collide with the cool granite counters, and I walk my fingers around slowly, searching for a weapon.
There’s another creak.
Closer this time.
All I can think is, thank fuck Daisy isn’t here.
My fingers hit something, and I’m about to grab whatever it is when a rush of warm breath tickles down my neck.
My heart stops dead in my chest and time stands still.
But then, something is wrapped around my eyes at the same time my arms are restrained behind my back.
“No, get off,” I scream at the top of my lungs, desperately trying to fight for freedom.
But it’s futile. I’m too late.