Page 32 of Fearless
“Get your ass out of my kitchen, Kendrick,” Reid snaps. “You’ve already done enough damage.”
Twisting around, I look between them, trying to figure out what I missed.
Flipping him the bird, Aubrey stalks toward me with a smirk playing on her lips.
Everything hurts as I roll over. The pain waking me more than I’m ready for.
I come to with a start, my eyes flying open as I sit up with confusion swimming in my head.
Where the fuck am?—
I look around, finding a familiar room.
Reid’s house.
With a sigh, I fall back onto the bed, wincing as my back hurts. Stretching my arm out, I already know what I’m going to find, but I’m helpless but to look for her.
I always am.
My hand meets nothing but the cold sheets on the other side of the bed.
I’ve no idea how long I’ve been out, but something tells me that she’s been gone a while.
Dragging my eyes open, I find a discarded blanket on the chair and a closed notebook and pen on the table beside it.
A soft smile plays on my lips knowing that she was sitting here with me, trying to get everything straight in her head.
From the first day she was brave enough to sit in the same room as me as she scribbled down her deepest thoughts, I’ve been obsessed with watching her.
She loses herself entirely in the process of getting out her thoughts, fears, and dreams. She gets this whimsical, faraway look on her face and it just sucks me in.
I lose myself in memories before reality slams into me.
If she’s not here, then it means she’s downstairs with them.
And as much as I’d love to keep her all to myself for the rest of our days, I also really want to watch her punish them. And she will. If I know my wife like I think I do, then Reid and JD have got a hellish few days, maybe even weeks, if they're really unlucky, ahead of them.
A wicked grin pulls at my lips as I get to my feet and walk stiffly toward the bathroom.
My back feels a hell of a lot better, but I really didn’t need to be crawling through a tunnel to escape that house. I’m not going to let it stop me though.
I’m over the worst of it. I can handle whatever we’ve got coming for us next.
My days resting up and letting Reid and JD handle things are firmly over.
After peeing and brushing my teeth, I grab one of the pairs of sweats JD loaned me following my escape from the basement.
I stare at the t-shirts in the drawer above, but with my back aching, I decide against it.
There might have been a time I felt the need to hide my scars from Alana, but not anymore.
Pain and regret shoot through me as I remember her tracing what’s left of my tattoo in the shower earlier.
To this day, I’ve no idea how I kept the truth from her. We might not have had an intimate relationship up until recently, but we were as close as two people living together could be.