Page 61 of Fearless
I pour a generous measure into his before repeating the same with mine.
“Here’s to the next two,” he says before clinking his glass against mine and downing his in one go.
Footsteps echo down the silent hallway before two shadows darken the doorway.
“Drink?” I ask, looking between Alana and Mav.
“Like you wouldn’t believe,” Mav announces, marching toward me with determination. The second he’s in reaching distance of the drink I pour for him, the glass is against his lips and he’s swallowing the contents.
“Fuck,” he complains after it’s warmed his throat. “That’s some good shit.”
“One of the good bottles I’ve been saving for a special occasion,” I admit.
I have three.
One for Razor.
One for Kurt.
And the extra special vintage one for Victor fucking Harris.
Sipping that bad boy is going to feel fucking fantastic.
“How are you feeling?” I ask after he’s thrown back his second measure.
He thinks for a moment, letting us see his conflicting emotions over what happened tonight.
Reaching out, he pulls Alana into his side and drops a kiss to the top of her head.
“Yeah, I’m okay. I’ve got everything I need right here.”
Wrapping her arms around him, she holds him tight.
“Fuck blood family. They all fucking suck,” JD says, lifting another glass of whiskey in the air.
“Not all,” I mutter, thinking of my brothers. “But most.”
JD rolls his eyes. “You know what I meant, man. So, are we celebrating or what?”
“Celebrating,” Mav announces, holding his glass out for another drink. “But I need to shower first. I smell like rotting corpses.”
“He wasn’t even cold,” JD adds.
We all watch as Mav finishes his drink before giving Alana an innocent kiss and stalking from the room.
We don’t say anything until the sound of his footsteps fades out.
“Is he really okay?” JD asks.
“Yeah,” Alana assures him. “I think he just needs a moment to process.”
“Fair enough. You guys hungry?” I ask, aware that none of us really ate much today. We were all too anxious about what the night was going to bring to care too much about food.
“Yeah,” JD agrees, but it isn’t with his usual enthusiasm.
Alana doesn’t say anything at all. Both of them are too busy staring after Mav.
“Should we—” JD starts.