Page 97 of Fearless
“Shut up,” Reid snaps. “Go mingle, we need more faces. More… everything.”
It’s impossible to miss the pain in his voice. He hates that he’s allowing me in here. Honestly, there was a part of me that didn’t think he’d go for it.
I’m glad he has though. After what happened at the safe house, I needed to know that he does trust me.
“Right,” Aubrey says, taking a sip of her drink before her eyes widen in surprise. “Fuck, that’s?—”
I follow her move and try my drink.
"Oh my God,” I gasp as it burns all the way down my throat and makes my eyes water. “Like paint stripper.”
“No wonder all the girls are naked. Fucking hell.”
With our potent drinks in hand, we take off through the crowd, turning more and more sets of eyes on us as we move.
Girls dance up on stages, holding a lot of the men’s attention, the naked girls weaving around them hold many other sets of eyes hostage, but we have more than I’d like watching us like hawks.
After we’ve done a whole sweep of the room, we finally settle at a standing table with a view of the entire club.
“Seen anyone you recognize?” Aubrey asks.
I shake my head, disappointment sitting heavily in my stomach.
“No, not yet. It’s still early though,” Mav says through our earpieces.
I want to be realistic. I know the hopes of finding Kristie are slim to none. But there was still a bit of hope bubbling inside me that I’d walk into this place and find her.
“You okay?” Aubrey asks, her eyes searching mine.
Pulling my armor back into place, I hold her eyes.
“Of course. Couldn’t be better.”
Lifting my drink to my lips, I take a sip. Regretting it instantly.
“Can you imagine what the ones she isn’t recommending taste like?”
Aubrey’s lips part to answer, but a shadow falls over us, stopping her.
“Good evening, ladies. I must say, it’s unusual to see such beautiful women in here.” His voice alone puts me on edge, recognition flickers at my subconscious.
My heart races at the thought of being recognized.
Of stumbling across one of the men from my past.
No one knows me. Not really. But in the years before Mav rescued me, I was forced to spend time with more than a few corrupt men.
Men who wouldn’t think twice about hanging out in a place full of women who’ve been trafficked and held against their will.
“Oh, I’m not sure that is true,” Aubrey purrs as a woman wearing a tiny G-string and a pair of insane heels saunters past us with a tray full of drinks balanced expertly on her hand.
“Ah yes, well, there is no mystery there,” the guy continues as we’re surrounded by two more who’ve joined him.
My palms begin to sweat as panic starts to get the better of me.
“It’s okay, Doll. We’re right here,” Mav whispers in my ear, able to see from Aubrey’s hidden camera that I’m freaking out. “No one is going to hurt you.”
I subtly nod, thanking him for being here.