Page 13 of Sold to the Enemy
The pleasure still pulsed within her body as Drago moved over her. He spread her legs open, wide, grabbed his cock, and then, without any warning, she felt him thrust hard and deep inside her. The pain was instant and she couldn’t hold back her scream as it took her by surprise.
Drago grabbed her hands, and she hadn’t realized she’d been trying to push him off. He locked their fingers together and placed her hands either side of her head, holding her in place.
“I’ve got you,” he said.
Tears filled her eyes, and her vision went blurry. She had read about it in books, but the truth was, she hadn’t truly believed what they said. How could she? Books were fiction, not fact. They were just stories, but the pain had taken her by surprise, and now she looked at him.
“It’s okay,” he said. Drago didn’t move. He kissed her lips, staying perfectly still within her.
She expected the pain to get worse, but slowly, ever-so-achingly slowly, it started to ebb away.
“And that was what I was hoping to avoid. I never want to hurt you, Selma.”
He hadn’t hurt her, not really. The only way there wouldn’t have been any pain was if they’d not enjoyed each other at all, and that was the last thing she wanted.
Selma was so incredibly tight. Drago wanted to move, he wanted to drive his cock so hard and deep within her, but he held himself perfectly still so he wouldn’t hurt her.
Staring into her beautiful brown eyes, he was completely and totally smitten by her. There was no one else he wanted more. From that first moment he saw her, he’d fallen for her, and all he could think about was having her. It’s why her father would never be killed, not by him.
Pressing his lips to hers, he kissed her hard. She gasped and with her mouth open, he plunged his tongue inside, and she whimpered, but then he felt it. Her tongue touched his.
Drago pulled back just a little. Where Selma had been still just a moment ago, she suddenly began to wriggle against him. He had no choice but to clench his jaw as she began to move on his cock and it felt so fucking good.
“Stop, baby, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You’re not going to hurt me. I want this, please don’t stop.”
How could he deny her when she wanted it?
Drago slowly ran his hand from her shoulder, down her body, grazing across her tit, past her hip, then behind to grip her ass. She let out a gasp.
“Are you sensitive?” he asked.
“I love your hands on me,” she said.
Drago smiled. “That’s good, because I love touching you. I don’t want to stop.” He groaned, and then returned his grip back to her hip, and slowly began to pull out of her tight heat.
Each inch he pulled away heightened his need for her. All he wanted to do was thrust hard and deep within her, to fuck her as fast as he could, but he held himself still and tried to contain his own needs. He only wanted this to be good for her, and he knew if he wasn’t careful, he could still hurt her, so he waited, taking his time.
Keeping the tip of his cock deep inside her, he began to rock back and forth, adding more of his cock. Selma tried to wriggle on his length, but he grabbed her hips. “Stay still.”
“I don’t want to hurt you. I crave you. I’m hungry for you, and if you don’t allow me to … I’m going to lose control. I want you so badly. I’ve wanted you so badly.”
“You have?”
Selma placed her hands on top of his where he held her at the hips, and then he took his time, and keeping his gaze on her, just rocked against her. He drove in and out, working the length of his cock within her. He wanted to take, but he didn’t want to harm her.
Slowly, he felt himself start to gain control, but he knew he was so close. He drove inside her, let go of her body, and pressed his to hers, holding her tightly as he drove inside and then filled her pussy with his release. As he came, he kissed her hard, not wanting to let her go. He wanted to drown himself in her delicious scent.
“Why couldn’t I move?” she asked after several seconds had passed.
He lifted up and pushed some of her hair off her face so he could look into her eyes.