Page 5 of Sold to the Enemy
Selma turned her head and was once again struck by his eyes. They were so perfect and blue, sharp, and light. She couldn’t stop looking at him.
“You’d teach me?”
“Yes. I would teach you everything you wanted to know and more.”
The temptation was too strong.
You’re married to him.
He is your husband.
“Will you kill me?” she asked.
As questions go, it felt like a foolish one. Who asked their husbands if they intended to kill them. Selma had never considered herself to be foolish, but she had always asked questions, even when she didn’t want the true answers. She looked at him, waiting.
Drago reached out. She didn’t know if she should flinch away from his touch, but why would she? Drago had never hurt her. He’d never raised his hand. He’d been kind and considerate to her, apart from threatening her father with death if she didn’t marry him, but that was all in the past.
Her father had been more than willing to hand her over to his enemy to save his own life. She didn’t know the full details, but she knew it wasn’t complicated. George had opted for his daughter to take his place. And so she paid his price.
Did she hate him for it? She wasn’t sure. Right now, she didn’t have the best feelings when it came to her father. She had nothing.
But, she was living with Drago. He was her husband, she was his wife. Did she want to spend her time alone in a bedroom, or try to make a go of it with this man? She didn’t have the answers, but who did?
He cupped her cheek and she looked into his eyes, not wanting to look away. What was it about his eyes that she found so magical?
“I will never kill you. I will never hurt you. I will always take care of you,” he said.
Selma didn’t know why she trusted him, but there was something in his eyes, in his words, that she believed. He would take care of her.
“I don’t want to spend our marriage locked away in a bedroom.” She frowned. “How long will we be married? Do you plan to divorce me?”
She kept talking and the words kept spilling out, she couldn’t stop them. They made no sense to her, and then she pressed her lips together and hoped she could just silence them.
Had she angered Drago? Would there be a limit to his patience? He stroked her cheek. There was no anger in his eyes.
“Selma, we’re going to be married for a lifetime. I have no intention of divorcing you. You will be the mother of my children. You will always belong to me.” And then, he pressed his lips against hers, and she got her second kiss.
Drago had wanted to take Selma on a tour of the house, but right after that kiss, he had gotten a phone call. His presence was needed in the city. He’d wanted to ignore the call, but he knew that to do so would put people’s lives in danger.
Before he left, he had told her to explore. There were guards posted around the house, and if she tried anything, he’d be alerted to her movements. He expected to hear from the guards during the day, but when he arrived back home at night for dinner, there hadn’t been a single call. One of the guards, Chase, met him at his car, and they moved toward the main door. He had put Chase on Selma’s detail. While she was in the house, she wasn’t to know she was being watched.
“What did she do?”
“After breakfast, she insisted on helping the maids with the dishes, and she wouldn’t take no for an answer. The maids kept telling her they had it under control, but Selma helped them anyway. She tried to learn their names, but they didn’t want to give them. They are waiting for instructions from you, sir.”
Drago nodded. “And the rest of her day?”
“She explored the house. She checked every single room.”
“And when it came to my office?” he asked.
“She stepped inside and I think she realized what it was, immediately stepped out again, and didn’t go back.”
“And the library?”
“She spent a lot of time there this afternoon. She had lunch there as well. She also found the game room and the pool. In fact, that’s where she is right now.”