Page 41 of Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades 1)
"I'm really not hungry," I whisper.
His eyes narrow.
"I would really like you to finish your breakfast."
"What is it with you and food?" I blurt. His brow knits.
"I told you, I have issues with wasted food. Eat," he snaps. His eyes are dark, pained.
Holy Crap. What is that all about I pick up my fork and eat slowly, trying to chew.
I must remember not to put so much on my plate if he's going to be weird about food. His expression softens as I carefully make my way through my breakfast. I note that he cleans his plate. He waits for me to finish, and then he clears my plate.
"You cooked, I'll clear."
"That's very democratic."
"Yes." He frowns. "Not my usual style. After I've done this, we'll take a bath."
"Oh, okay." Oh my... I'd much rather have a shower. My cell rings, interrupting my reverie. It's Kate.
"Hi." I wander over to the glass doors of the balcony, away from him.
"Ana, why didn't you text last night?" She's angry.
"I'm sorry, I was overtaken by events."
"You're okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine."
"Did you?" She's fishing for information. I roll my eyes at the expectation in her voice.
"Kate, I don't want to talk over the phone." Christian glances up at me.
"You did... I can tell."
How can she tellShe's bluffing, and I can't talk about this. I've signed a damned agreement.
"Kate, please."
"What was it likeAre you okay?"
"I've told you I'm okay."
"Was he gentle?"
"Kate, please!" I can't hide my exasperation.
"Ana, don't hold out on me, I've been waiting for this day for nearly four years."
"I'll see you this evening." I hang up.
That is going to be one difficult square to circle. She's so tenacious, and she wants to know - in detail, and I can't tell her because I've signed a - what was it calledNDA.
She'll freak and rightly so. I need a plan. I head back to watch Christian move gracefully around his kitchen.
"The NDA, does it cover everything?" I ask tentatively.
"Why?" he turns and gazes at me while putting the Twinings away. I flush.
"Well, I have a few questions, you know, about sex." I stare down at my fingers. "And I'd like to ask Kate."
"You can ask me."
"Christian, with all due respect." My voice fades. I can't ask you. I'll get your biased, kinky-as-hell, distorted world-view regarding sex. I want an impartial opinion. "It's just about mechanics. I won't mention the Red Room of Pain."
He raises his eyebrows.
"Red Room of PainIt's mostly about pleasure, Anastasia. Believe me," he says.
"Besides," his tone is harsher. "Your room-mate is making the beast with two backs with my brother. I'd really rather you didn't."
"Does your family know about your... um predilection?"
"No. It's none of their business." He saunters toward me until he's standing in front of me.
"What do you want to know?" he asks, and raising his hand runs his fingers gently down my cheek to my chin, tilting my head back so he can look directly into my eyes. I squirm inwardly. I cannot lie to this man.
"Nothing specific at the moment," I whisper.
"Well, we can start with - how was last night for you?" His eyes burn, filled with curiosity. He's anxious to know. Wow.
"Good," I murmur.
His lips lift slightly.
"Me too," he murmurs. "I've never had vanilla sex before. There's a lot to be said for it. But then, maybe it's because it's with you." He runs his thumb across my lower lip.
I inhale sharply. Vanilla sex?
"Come, let's have a bath." He leans down and kisses me. My heart leaps and desire pools way down low... way down there.
The bath is a white stone, deep, egg-shaped affair, very designer. Christian leans over and fills it from the faucet on the tiled wall. He pours some expensive looking bath oil into the water. It foams as the bath fills and smells of sweet sultry Jasmine. He stands and gazes at me, his eyes dark, then peels his t-shirt off and casts it on the floor.
"Miss Steele." He holds his hand out.
I'm standing in the doorway, wide-eyed and wary, my arms wrapped around myself. I step forward while surreptitiously admiring his physique. He is just yummy. My subconscious swoons and passes out somewhere in the back of my head. I take his hand, and he bids me to step into the bath while I am still wearing his shirt. I do as I'm told. I'll have to get used to it if I'm going to take him up on his outrageous offer... if! The water is enticingly hot.
"Turn around, face me," he orders, his voice soft. I do as I'm bid. He's watching me intently.
"I know that lip is delicious, I can attest to that, but will you stop biting it?" he says through clenched teeth. "You chewing it makes me want to f**k you, and you're sore, okay?"
I gasp, automatically unlocking my lip, shocked.
"Yeah," he challenges. "Got the picture." He glares at me. I nod frantically . I had no idea I could affect him so.
"Good." He reaches forward and takes my iPod out of the breast pocket, and he puts it by the sink.
"Water and iPods - not a clever combination," he mutters. He reaches down, grasps the hem of my white shirt, lifts it above my head, and discards it on the floor.
He stands back to gaze at me. I'm naked for heaven's sake. I flush crimson and stare down at my hands, level with the base of my belly, and I desperately want to disappear into the hot water and foam, but I know he won't want that.