Page 4 of Jack of Diamonds
“You are here to learn how to use the Vorpal Sword. I expect your full cooperation. It’s going to be a monumental task for me to train you to my satisfaction.”
Unable to speak, all I could do was nod.
Despite the blazing fire nearby, his scentless breath fell on my face like a soft, cool breeze. I couldn’t help wondering what he meant by training me to his satisfaction.
Jack didn’t strike me as someone who was easy to please.
“The path to becoming a formidable warrior begins with discipline, unwavering dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Give yourself fully to me, and I will forge you like the finest of blades.”
I noticed the door was still open. Why the fuck was Jack still in my room? I pulled the collar of my white fur coat tight around my neck and took a step away from the vampire.
“What exactly do you mean that I have to give myself to you?”
“I mean that you’re not here for social reasons. Nor are you here for pleasure. You’re here towork,” came his cool, arrogant reply. “Whatever loyalty you harbor for Ransom and the others must comeafteryour obligation to me. Disobey, and I will make your existence a living hell.”
He took another step towards me, closing the gap between us before narrowing his cold gaze at me.
“Every moment you spend in the White Queen’s court will be spent in training. When eat, you will think of nothing but what I teach you. When you sleep, you will dream of nothing but what you’ve learned. Do you understand?”
“Sounds like a full-immersion program,” I blurted without thinking.
“Oh, it is,” he replied, his face softening with a faint, yet sadistic grin. “And without my help, you will drown.”
My eyes flew open.
“The fuck? I’m pretty sure you need me more than I need you.”
I watched as Jack’s pupils dilated until his red irises were nearly all black. He leaned down just enough for his pale hair to spill down his armored shoulders.
His powerful, massive, armored shoulders.
I forgot all about my shitty manners and remembered I was standing in front of a deadly killer.
“Tomorrow will be a very long day for you, Alice, so I suggest you get some rest. We will meet outside the Great Hall. Your training begins at dawn.” He blinked, and his eyes went back to normal. They narrowed as if to scold me for something I hadn’t yet done.
Finally, Jack stood up straight, then turned on his heel and headed for the door.
“Lesson number one—don’t be late.”
* * *
The second Jack left my room, I slammed the door shut and locked it. I leaned back against the heavy oak slab and took a deep breath.
I dove into the cloud-like softness of my bed and pulled the fluffy blankets up to my chin. The light from the fire made the pale, shimmering walls look alive with constant movement.
I didn’t realize that I’d fallen asleep until I felt the gentle sensation of fingers on my scalp, playing with my hair. My eyes fluttered open to see Chess, his intense gaze locked onto me.
Above him, the sparkling beauty of an enchanted night sky glimmered and twinkled. Hot coals in the fireplace cast the pale walls in soft, warm, orange light.
“Ah, you’re awake,” Chess murmured, his voice like velvet against my ears. I couldn’t tell if he’d come with good news...
Or with bad.
“How’s Ransom?” I asked groggily, rubbing sleep from my eyes.