Page 48 of Jack of Diamonds
I was a warrior.
A champion.
Well...a champion in training.
But having a purpose in life gave me a reason to get up in the morning. I was starting to embrace the destiny that had been thrust upon me. The fact that my new personal trainer was hot as fuck didn’t hurt, either.
When exhaustion clawed at my limbs, I pushed it aside. I had to. Wonderland’s fate, and the fate of its people, rested on my ability to swing this damn sword.
One morning, less than an hour into our practice session, I landed a hit to Jack’s ribs and immediately recovered into a defensive position. Unable to counterstrike, Jack stepped back and sheathed his sword.
“You’re improving,” he admitted, raising a mysterious eyebrow at me. “It’s time you started wearing protection.”
I looked up at him in confusion.
“Protection? From what?”
A fleeting whisper of a smile streaked across his gorgeous face.
“Fromme.” He pressed his hand against the small of my back, leading me towards the weapons wall. “I’m going to stop holding back, and I don’t want to risk hurting you.”
Please, hurt me,I thought as an ache tore through my core. I’d spent countless hours feeling his powerful body pushing against mine, watching sparks fly every time our blades clashed, smelling his earthy, wintry scent, having him so close that I’d thought about licking the sweat off his chest.Just shove me against the wall and fuck me already.
Instead of shoving me against the wall, Jack held me in place and lifted my arms. My body trembled as his hands roamed mere millimeters over my curves. My breath quickened at the sublime torture of having Jack explore my arms and legs, my tits and ass, my inner thighs and my neck, all without laying a finger on me. His intense gaze studied me without explanation. Then his hands moved with deft precision, weaving intricate patterns in the air as he summoned armor from it, piece by piece.
A sleek, metallic collar hovered in the air momentarily before settling gently around my neck. “This,” Jack explained, his voice a mixture of pride and concentration, “is the gorget. It protects your neck, a vital area, yet allows for full movement.”
A larger silver shape materialized out of the air, and Jack buckled it around my torso. The metal was surprisingly light, almost like a second skin, yet I could sense its strength.
“The breastplate guards your heart and lungs. It’s crucial, but it must not restrict your breathing. Is it too tight?” He stopped fussing with the buckle and looked at me intently. “You’ll have to tell me if it’s too tight.”
“It feels...snug,” I said with a shaky breath.
“Good,” Jack murmured before slipping the strap into place. “That’s exactly how it’s supposed to feel.”
Fuck...were we talking about armor, or something else? I couldn’t help wondering if the innuendo I was picking up on was all in my head, or if Jack felt it too. I tried to push down the deep longing that he’d awakened, but the more he kept his distance, the more I wanted to shatter it.
And now he was touching me...using his strong, cool hands to prepare protect me from the damage he might inflict on me. I wondered if he planned on giving me a chastity belt, because in that moment, I wanted him to destroy my pussy.
We stood together in front of the long mirror that ran across the room as he explained the function of each piece of armor, and how to put it on and take it off.
But I didn’t remember most of it. All I could think about was the silky tone of his voice and the caress of his fingers as he fastened buckles up and down my arms, up my thighs, and up my calves, while saying words like pauldrons, vambraces, cuisses, and sabatons....all in the faintest, hottest French accent.
“Now for your crown,” he said, interrupting my salacious inner thoughts. He presented me with a masterpiece of craftsmanship that seemed to glow with its own inner light. “Your helm is your greatest defense, but remember—your greatest armor is your training, your wit, and your courage.”
I took a moment to test out the feel of my new armor, marveling at how light and responsive it felt. Each piece was a stunning work of art, etched with patterns of snowflakes and embedded with crystals. While I’d always thought of armor as something clunky and hard to get around in, this custom set seemed to anticipate my movements, offering protection without hindering my agility. Suddenly filled with a mix of gratitude and newfound confidence, I turned to Jack to thank him, and almost fainted.
My mentor was gone.
Standing in his place was a formidable presence, an embodiment of fear, respect, and wonder. Cloaked in shadows, Jack’s red gaze pierced through the darkness of a devilish white horned helmet, a chilling reminder of his prowess in battle. His stance, both menacing and majestic, immediately scared the shit outta me, yet commanded my respect.
He was terrifying...and I was strangely turned on.
His armor was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, both sinister and sublime. It clung to his body like a second skin, its white metallic surface etched with scratches and dents that kept score of the battles he’d fought over the centuries...and won.
Even though it was made of metal, his armor appeared almost alive. The shoulders were adorned with spikes, reminding me of the jaws of the abyssal hounds, ready to strike at anyone who dared come close. The shadows kept shifting as if the armor was absorbing the light around him, giving the impression that this creature, this monster, thisthing...was born from something darker than night.
Narrow slits in the helmet gave away none of Jack’s thoughts or intentions, although just the sight of it made me want to run for my life. The two long horns that rose and curved above his head made him look more like a demon than a human. The only thing that reassured me that Jack was still in there somewhere was the shock of platinum hair that spilled out from between his horned helmet and his gorget.