Page 59 of Jack of Diamonds
“Jack?” I called out into the frozen wilderness. “Is that you?”
An owl hooted softly in the distance. I rolled my eyes and blew out a relieved breath. Here I was, getting all worked up over nothing.
A single, small flash of pink darted across the snow in front of me, disappearing behind a tree. I froze in my tracks, my heart pounding in my chest.
Then my blood ran ice cold.
What I saw was a million times worse than assassins.
Fuzzy pink ears and a pair of dead eyes peeked out from behind the tree, staring right at me.
Of all the monsters to run across in the woods at night, it had to be fuzzy pink bunnies. I cursed under my breath, gripping my sword until my knuckles turned white.
The bunny reemerged, hopping casually in my direction, its adorable twitching nose a perfect disguise for the vicious teeth within. My stomach twisted into knots as another fluffy pink ball of fur joined the first bunny.
Then there were four.
Then half a dozen.
More and more pink bunnies slipped from the shadows, surrounding me with deceptive cuteness. I raised my sword and whirled around just as they made their move.
They attacked as one—dozens of snapping little piranha jaws and razor sharp teeth. I swung my sword wildly, slicing through fur and flesh. I lost track of my kills after six or seven, not that it mattered.,
There were so many...
Too many.
Their teeth shredded my down parka to ribbons within seconds. Little white feathers were swirling through the air like it was a shaken snow globe. Pain exploded across my face as teeth slashed into my cheek. I grabbed the bunny by the throat, yanked it away from my face, and shook it until its neck was broken.
Another scream tore from my throat as a bunny latched onto my forearm. I felt a bunny leap onto my back, just as another one jumped on my leg. Thrashing and screaming and stabbing, I became lost in the frenzy of battle. I was going down, overwhelmed by a sea of pink.
A pale blur flashed through the chaos, and blood sprayed hot across my face. A tall, pale figure spun around the bunnies like a whirlwind, moving too fast for my eyes to follow.
Glints of silver flashed in the starlight. High-pitched squeals filled the air. One by one, small furry bodies landed in the snow, twitching and jerking on the ground.
Within a matter of seconds, the snow was strewn with blood-stained fur, decapitated bunny heads, and steaming entrails. The few bunnies left alive all fled into the darkness of the forest.
I sank to my knees, gulping lungfuls of air, and looked up at my blood-spattered savior.
Jack stood over me, chest heaving, eyes glowing deep crimson. His long, pale hair caught in the breeze, shimmering in the starlight. I might’ve mistaken him for an angel if it wasn’t for the fine spray of blood covering his entire body...or his beautiful face.
Or the fangs bared to me.
He looked completely unhinged.
My heart thudded against my ribs as I struggled to recognize the strange look in his eyes. I knew I should be afraid—terrified, even. But my snarly, brooding mentor had just come to my rescue.
The only thing I felt was a strange thrill of excitement.
“Run,” he growled, clutching the hilt of his sword.
“Yeah...that’s not gonna happen,” I panted as I slowly pulled myself back onto my feet. My wounds were throbbing, and my torn, tattered clothes were covered in blood. “I’m not goinganywherealone when this forest is totally infested with killer bunnies...not to mention the Red Queen’s army is already in Echo’s End, whereverthatis. For all I know, there might be assassins out there!”
Jack simply stared at me in disbelief.