Page 61 of Jack of Diamonds
I never saw it coming.
Long, hard fangs sank deep into my neck. I cried out at the sharp pain while my hand instinctively flew up to push at his chest. But he only tightened his grip, pinning me in place against his body as he drank deep.
As he began to suck, an intoxicating warmth spread through my body like a champagne my whole body was one giant clit he was sucking on. My struggles grew weaker, my limbs turning to jelly as he continued to feed.
Some distant part of me knew I should fight, should push him away before he killed me. But his mouth on my neck felt so erotic, so exquisite.
It was like a new way of getting fucked, him pushing into my body, and me feeling the pressure, the pain, and then the pleasure. I moaned softly, tilting my head to give him better access to the holes he was buried in.
Jack made a low, hungry sound in his throat and pressed closer, grinding his hips against mine. I could feel his impressive dick, hard and insistent, even through our layers of clothes. The pain of his bite met with the ache in my core, awakening a different kind of hunger.
I moaned again, sagging against him as the pain throbbed throughout my body, mingling with pleasure. Two flavors at once, and I could taste them both equally. It hurt, yet it was delicious.
And somehow, in that frosty air that surrounded us, Jack was warm.
He wasneverwarm.
But right now, with every mouthful of blood he swallowed, he felt like he had liquid fire running in his veins.
Cold metal pricked at my belly, sliding up my abdomen and between my tits. He stopped sucking on my neck just long enough to murmur, “Move, and I’ll cut you.”
I didn’t know if it was a warning or a dare. I whimpered as the sharp edge of the Vorpal Sword pressed into my skin.
Still holding the back of my head with his left hand, Jack lifted up his right arm, slicing away my sweatshirt and sports bra with ease. I shuddered at the cold air on my nipples. Arousal and fear twisted together inside me.
Then the blade slid down my thigh...and my calf...first the left leg, then the right. With expert precision, he sliced through my yoga pants. I trembled, torn between the desire to arch into his touch and the fear of injuring myself even more.
He brought the Vorpal Sword to my throat, pressing the tip into the bite he’d just left.
“Get on your knees.”
I didn’t need to be told twice. I fell onto the bloody, shredded remains of my coat and my clothes, sinking into the powdery snow. My hands immediately went for the silver buckle around Jack’s hips, then tugged at the leather laces of his pants. I pulled out his warm, rigid cock and studied the pulsing veins that wrapped around the shaft.
Then I licked my lips and opened my mouth.
“Not yet, you greedy little whore,” he said from above, pressing the tip of the sword deeper into the bite on my neck. I immediately sat back on my heels and looked up at him.
With his hand still grasping the hair at the nape of my neck, he turned my head to the side, leaving me confused.
Why didn’t he want me to suck his dick?
I found out soon enough.
Hot, hard muscle pressed into the bleeding gash on my cheek before gliding back and forth over it. I could feel his dick smearing my blood all over the side of my face.
Jack returned my head to face his cock, which was now coated in bright red.
“You know what to do.”
“Are you fucking seri—”
Before I could even finish my sentence, my mouth was crammed full of bloody vampire cock. My teeth caught on his delicate skin as he slammed into the back of my throat. I choked and gasped for air, but the more I struggled, the deeper the Vorpal Sword cut into my neck.
I held as still as I could, grasping at Jack’s thrusting hips just to have something to hold onto. Drool mixed with blood and ran down my chin, down my neck, and yet, I found myself doing everything I could to suck the veiny cock that was invading my mouth like a battering ram.
He swiftly pulled out and I was able to catch my breath while he tormented my bleeding cheek with the head of his cock.