Page 67 of Jack of Diamonds
“Alice, forgive me, but I still need to heal your wounds.”
“Fine. Knock yourself out,” she muttered, still staring at the medieval tapestry hanging on the wall.
It was one of very few relics that I’d kept from my mortal life—a scene from my first successful hunt. I don’t recall how long it took my mother and my sisters to embroider it, and I don’t recall being nearly as appreciative of their gift as I should’ve been when they gave it to me.
By the time I was wise enough to understand how much time and effort they had invested in that tapestry, they were all long dead.
And I was immortal.
So it was not lost on me that Alice was now staring at an example of all the hard work and thoughtfulness that women so freely offered to arrogant men like me...and how much of it was never given much consideration, let alone a proper thank you.
This woman—this human from Earth—had gone to the trouble of fetching her sword and venturing out into the cold, dark woods in an unfamiliar land, all to hold up her end of a promise she made to save Wonderland.
An hour ago, none of that mattered to me.
All I did was attack her...
Fuck her...
Use her...
And now we were bonded, and she didn’t even know it.
As much as Alice tried to hide it, I could sense her vulnerability and shame. Thanks to our newly forged bond, it was something I, too, felt deep inside.
I prepared a basin of warm water and a soft cloth, then set about my task with a mixture of concern and restraint.
I dragged my thumb across one of my fangs, dabbing my blood on the bunny bite on her wrist, the one on the back of her hand, and another on her ear. Then I wiped them clean with the cloth, revealing perfectly intact skin.
I took her chin into my hand and gently turned her to face me. The blood bond had started to take hold. It was strong enough that I could sense that even though she was in pain, there was unresolved desire coursing through her.
I ignored it as best as I could.
The bunny bite on her cheek was deep, and dried blood was smeared all over that side of her face. I suddenly remembered the sensation of my cock pressed against that hot, wet gash, sliding in the slippery deliciousness of her blood.
Then I fell into the memory of Alice’s lips wrapped around my length, taking me deep into her throat...sucking me...
Obeying me.
Was fucking her the only way to make her listen to me?
I could make that work.
I wasn’t thinking straight. I couldn’t do something so depraved.
Or could I?
I’d already fucked her once, and she’d just more or less told me that she’d like to be fucked again.
A pang of longing cut into me like a blade, and my cock stirred below my belt.
Like my thirst for blood, it, too, was never satisfied.
It only got harder as I studied the most striking wound on Alice’s body...the only one from me...the bite on her neck. Although it was a stark reminder of my loss of control, it was also a reminder of how exquisite she tasted.
Of how much I wanted her.