Page 11 of Buried Under Ice
You shouldn’t be out here, Lark.What the hell are you thinking?
But he knew.Oh, he knew exactly what her game was.After all, he’d seen her on the news that evening.As she boldly stared straight into the camera and said…“I want the real killer to come after me.My brother is innocent.The man who did these terrible crimes?He’s out there.And he’s going to hunt again.”She’d swallowed.Lifted her chin.“So if you’re going to hunt, you hunt me.”
She darted around the edge of a building and the red umbrella that she carried vanished from sight.
Hell.He hurried his steps.Lunged around that building and—
Her umbrella slammed into his stomach.A hard hit.
“You think stalking a woman is fun?You asshole!”She hit him again.
He grabbed the umbrella.“Not stalking.”Dammit, I was.Best not to confess to that part right now.“Gonna leave a mark,” he groused as his fingers clenched around the wet umbrella.
“Good.”She inched toward the bricks on the wall of the nearby building.“You shouldn’t bestalkingwomen at night.You came lunging at me out of the darkness—a whack from my umbrella is the least you deserve!”
He rubbed his injured stomach.“I wasn’t lunging at you.I was trying to protect you.”
She snorted.And inched back a little more.That inching took her beneath one of the few streetlamps that seemed to be working that night.The glow fell on her, revealing the long, thick, and very straight length of her hair as it tumbled over her shoulders.She wore a black coat.Black pants.Black top.Black heels.She looked like some kind of insanely sexy cat burglar, but he didn’t think she’d appreciate being told that fact.
Come to think of it, he didn’t think she’d appreciate anything he had to say.
“Give me back my umbrella,” Lark ordered.
Yes, he should do that.He extended it toward her while he tried to think of something to stay that wouldn’t piss her off even more.Tried.Failed.
She snatched the umbrella from him.“What are you doing out here?Because there is no way you’re just randomly on my tail.”
“Didn’t realize you’d spotted me,” he murmured.
“I did.You were obvious.I heard your footsteps behind me, then saw your reflection in the glass of a window I passed.”
So she had been situationally aware.Points for her.What didnotearn her points… “You think taunting a killer is a good idea?”
Her eyes widened.
“Caught the news segment.Me and most of the city, probably.You look phenomenal on camera, by the way.If possible, even sexier than you do in real life.”Nah.That was a lie.She was ultra sexy in real life.The stuff of dreams and fantasies and his only weakness.
He never should have gotten involved with Lark.He’d known that he was crossing lines and risking his case.
I fucked her when I shouldn’t have.And she has completely fucked up my world since then.Because he missed her every damn moment.
But she hates me.
Lark stared at him.Nope.Correction, she glared at him.
He felt like he was devouring her with his eyes.
Her chin lifted.Slightly pointed.Heart-shaped face.Incredible green eyes.Green and so deep.And her lips—full.Unpainted.So soft and tempting.
He swallowed.
“How can I be taunting the killer?”Lark asked him as she tilted her head to the right.Her hair slid over her shoulder.“According to you, the killer in question is my brother.The man still locked up in a cell after all this time.”
Contrary to what people saw in movies, trials didn’t tend to be fast.Especially not when you were talking about a case that involved multiple murders.Months had passed since Lane Lawson’s arrest, and yes, he was still sitting behind bars even though he hadn’t been convicted of any crime.Yet.
Choosing his words carefully, Oliver noted, “You think someone else committed the crimes.”