Page 21 of Buried Under Ice
For the gun inside.
When the horn sounded, Oliver whirled around.His gaze immediately flew to Lark’s car.Fear flooded through him even as he bounded toward her vehicle.“Lark!”He hauled out his weapon.
A gunshot blasted, and he hit the ground.Fuck.That bullet had seemed to come tearing right toward him.He swore that he’d even felt the heat of it lance over him.He looked up and saw the hole in the back of Lark’s rear windshield.“Lark!”He leapt to his feet and ran to her.
Her driver’s side door opened.Lark fell out.Spilled onto the ground.
He grabbed her and dragged her into his arms.
And some sonofabitch jumped from the rear of her vehicle.The right passenger door—the rear right passenger door.He erupted from the vehicle and raced away.
Every muscle in Oliver’s body tensed.Give chase.Catch the bastard.But he couldn’t leave Lark.His hands flew over her.
Something crunched beneath Oliver’s foot.
“H-he had a syringe!”Lark’s voice shook.“Tried to jab me.He was waiting in my car!”Fear trembled beneath every single word.
Tried to jab me.She’d saidtried.“He didn’t inject you?”
“No.He—we have to catch him!”She twisted and fought to break out of his arms.
Nope.He just held her tighter.“Are you injured?”
She frantically shook her head.Her hair whipped around her shoulders.“No!He’s getting away!We have to stop him!”Once more, she heaved against his hold.
“Stay behind me,” he barked.“Every second.”And, with his gun in hand, with Lark behind him, he took off after the SOB.The guy had gone north, cutting across the parking lot and zipping back toward the left.Oliver had seen him flee that way, and he barreled after his target even as rage beat in his blood with every step.
You tried to hurt her?You tried to take her?
While Oliver had just been steps away.
Steps fucking away.
He jumped over the small chain that sectioned off the rear of the parking lot.Lark hopped over right after him.A quick glance back showed him that she gripped a gun in her hand, and her shoes were gone.She’d kicked off her heels as she gave chase with him.
His head whipped back to the front.He searched for his prey.The bastard had been wearing black.A ski cap had been on his head.Ski mask?And it was so damn dark that the jerk would blend easily with the shadows.
I need to call for backup.
He ran onto the street.Lark rushed right behind him.
Bright lights hit him and momentarily blinded Oliver.He squinted against them but didn’t lower his gun.The growling of an engine reached him right before he heard the piercing shriek of spinning tires and smelled burning rubber.
The bastard is coming right at us.
And Lark was in the road because she’d run out after Oliver.
Oliver grabbed her.His left arm locked around her waist as he hauled her against his body and hurtled them both toward the sidewalk.
The vehicle whipped past.The scent of burning rubber hung heavily in the air.
Oliver twisted his body and glanced up.He’d hit the sidewalk hard with Lark, but he’d turned to take the brunt of the impact.Now he moved so that she was half beneath him—instead of on top of him—and his eyes went immediately to the back of the fleeing vehicle.
No license plate.