Page 26 of Buried Under Ice
And rip him apart.
He drove the car into his garage.Killed the engine and then heard the grind of the garage door as it lowered once more.The last time he’d had Lark in his home, he’d lost control.He’dknownhe shouldn’t cross that final line.Known that he shouldn’t have sex with her.
But when it came to Lark, he wasn’t reasonable.Hell, some days, he wasn’t even sure he was sane.And he missed her so much.Longing for her ate at him.
She unhooked her belt and exited the vehicle without saying a word to him.A long sigh slipped from Oliver.He definitely could have handled the situation at her apartment with more tact.But when he’d seen those words, so soon after the attack on her…
You will die, too.
He’d lost it.
Oliver climbed from his vehicle.Gripping his keys tightly in his hand, he made his way to the door that led into the house.Lark remained silent as he unlocked the door and crossed the threshold.He typed in the alarm code, all too conscious of her stare on him.
Did she have any idea that he saw her every place he looked in his house?And when he went to bed at night…
I swear, I still smell her jasmine scent on the sheets.
“We both know you were lying about the cuffs.”
His shoulders stiffened, and he glanced over at her.
“You weren’t going to cuff me.And that idle threat certainly isn’t what made me come along with you.”
Her husky voice raked right over him.But she was misinformed.He turned to fully face her.“Lark…”Sweetheart.“If it meant keeping you safe, I’d cuff you any day of the week.”
Her amazing green eyes—now lined with dark smudges that he hated to see—narrowed.“Excuse me?”
He took a step toward her.Then another.
Her chin notched up, but, points for Lark, she didn’t retreat.Not an inch.God, she was so incredibly beautiful to him.The person he wanted most in the world.And I’ve finally got her back in my house.Now, if he could just get her back in his bed.But first…His hand lifted.
She flinched.
Fuck.First, he had to get her to trust him completely again.A seemingly impossible task.
He gently tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.His fingers brushed over her silken cheek.Oliver found himself leaning closer to her, drawn helplessly by her tempting jasmine scent.Hell, just drawn by her.“Also…” His voice was too gruff.Too rough.“Just so we are clear…”
Her head tilted to the side.Tiltedintohis touch.
He wanted to kiss her so badly.Instead, he told her, “There is never anything idle about the threats I make.”
Her dark lashes flickered.“I will remember that.”
“Good.”His eyes dropped to her mouth.Lingered.
“Don’t you want to know why I agreed to come here with you?”
“Because you still want me, and you don’t want to fight the temptation anymore?”
She sucked in a sharp breath.“What?”
“No?My bad.Guess that’s just the way I feel.”His hand pulled away from her.He eased away, giving her space.Giving himself space, too.Because being close to Lark was heaven and hell all tied in a big, beautiful bow.“You kicking me out of your life didn’t stop me from wanting you.Pretty sure nothing could ever do that.”
She stumbled back a step.
He shook his head.“You don’t need to retreat from me.I know how to keep my control.”Oh, wait.Total lie.If he’d known how to keep his control, he would never have crossed the line and fucked her in the first place.He spun on his heel and marched for the den.After flipping on the light switch, his gaze went straight to the fireplace.Right there.He’d taken her right there, right in front of the flames.