Page 41 of Buried Under Ice
Wilde.The name rang a bell for her.Wilde was an elite protection firm.One that specialized in guarding the rich and famous.It was pretty muchthebest-known protection firm in the United States.And there was no way in the world she’d ever be able to afford their services.
“Wilde is a firm,” Midas said as he swept an assessing glance between her and Oliver, “while I’m a one-man army.”He made a sweeping bow.“At your service.”
Lark wet her lips.Her attention shifted to Oliver.“I don’t really think I need a one-man army.”
He closed in on her.“The bastard was waiting for you in your car.He threatened to kill you.”
Like she could forget.
“You’re getting the damn one-man army,” Oliver assured her.Then, voice lowering, he added, “Midas and I go way back.There are few people in this world that I trust completely, but he happens to be one of them.”
She darted a glance Midas’s way.She found him staring straight at her and Oliver.A thoughtful expression filled his eyes.
“I need to know that you’re with someone I trust.Stay with him, okay?He’ll take you back to my place.I’ll meet you after I talk to Lane.”
She didn’t want to be left out of that talk.But…she actually understood.Her brother would be different when she was with him.Her head moved in a quick nod.
A sigh of relief slipped from Oliver.He started to spin back toward Midas.
Her hand pressed to his arm.Oliver tensed.He glanced down at her fingers.
“Tell Lane I love him,” she murmured.
His gaze rose to catch hers.“Trust me,” he returned.“Your brother knows.”
His gun had been taken.Secured.He’d been led into the small interrogation room in the back of the facility.A guard stood inside the little room.The man waited at stiff attention.Oliver knew the guard would remain in the room during his questioning.Oliver’s connections had gotten him inside and those same connections would get the prisoner delivered to this meeting…
But even the monster hunter wouldn’t be allowed to interview Lane Lawson without someone else in the room.A slightly problematic situation considering what he needed to discuss.So the guard will stay.
But Oliver could deal with most problematic situations.They just took some finesse.
The door swung open.Lane Lawson staggered inside.He had to stagger.Cuffs bound his wrists and ankles, and a long chain connected them.When he saw Oliver waiting for him, Lane immediately stopped his stagger.In fact, he froze completely.
Then the hulking guard behind him pushed Lane forward.
“Fuck this,” Lane said, voice flat.A purple bruise lined the side of his jaw.Another bruise—this one darker, fresher—dipped around his right eye.“I’m not talking to him.”
That was the reaction that Oliver had expected.
Lane spun toward the guard who’d just pushed him.“Take me back to the cell,” Lane ordered.“Take me back to the yard where those assholes like to take turns swinging punches.Take me any-fucking-where but here.”
Oliver sighed.“I think you’ll want to talk with me.”
“I want you to go screw yourself,” Lane snapped without looking back.
The guard in front of Lane glanced uncertainly at Oliver.
Oliver smiled at the man.“He wants to talk to me,” Oliver assured the guard.
“The hell I—” Lane blasted.
“Your sister was attacked last night.”
Lane whirled to face him.Shock and fury flashed on Lane’s face.A face that was so very different from Lark’s.While Lark was beauty and delicate elegance, Lane was all angles and hard planes.He had Lark’s dark hair, and his eyes were green, but the green was different.Harder.Or maybe it was just Lane’s glare that made his eye color seem brittle while Lark’s eyes were warm and such a deep green.
But, at least Oliver had succeeded in snagging Lane’s full attention.So while he had that attention, Oliver said, “The man was waiting in the back of Lark’s car.He had a syringe so that he could drug her.The bastard said she’d go to sleep, and when she woke up, she’d be his.”The fuck that will happen.Oliver rose from his seat.He walked around the table and pulled out the other chair for Lane.“Now, shall we talk?”