Page 43 of Buried Under Ice
She didn’t know what anything was with this giant of a man.“Why do you owe him?”
His expression changed.Hardened.Small changes…but…
Okay, he is super intimidating.
Because staring into his amber eyes right then was like staring into the fires of hell.
“I owe him because he didn’t give up.He didn’t give up on me, and he won’t give up on you.”Both of his hands fell to his sides.“Now let’s go see what’s in his kitchen.I’m hungry as hell.”He brushed by her.
Frowning, Lark peered after him.
But right before Midas reached the kitchen, he tossed a glance over his shoulder.“But just so we are clear, if your brother is guilty, Oliver is never going to let him see the light of day.”
“That’s…for a judge and jury to decide.”
Midas stared back at her.
“He’s not guilty,” she fired back.Maybe that should have been the first thing she said.Dammit, was this guytestingher?She felt as if he was.
“For your sake,” Midas returned, voice lower than it had been a moment before, “I hope that’s the case.But I’ve seen it over and over again—and I know Oliver has, too.People think their family members are freaking saints.But they aren’t.Sometimes, you’re just too close to realize the truth.You don’t see the evil that is right in front of you.You don’t see it standing there because it’s hiding behind a smile and a face you know too well.”
“I see what’s in front of me.”Her vision was 20/20.
“I didn’t,” he told her with a slightly cruel twist of his lips that maybe should have been a mocking smile.“Sure as hell didn’t see it when my own father was killing people.And when I was the one being blamed for the crimes?When I was the one about to be locked away?Oliver is the person who cleared me.He didn’t give up, even when my own flesh and blood set me up to take the rap for his crimes.”
Her breath rushed out in shock.
“I think there’s a reason Oliver wanted me to be the one guarding you.I suspect you understand that reason now, too.”He turned his head away from her.“Sometimes, the people you need to fear the most are the ones you love the deepest.”
“Your father?”And her own father’s image flashed into her mind.For an instant, Lark could feel his hands reaching for her.She could see the flash of the knife.Boom.The madness had faded from his eyes as he fell…
“Yeah, and unlike your dear old dad, my father didn’t have a brain tumor or some illness making him do the things he did.He was just a straight-up psycho killer.And lucky me, I’m his only son.”Midas shoved open the kitchen door.
Chapter Seven
“You’ve got a lot of bruises,” Oliver noted as he sat in the chair across the table from Lane.The guard who’d brought Lane into the room had left, but the other man still maintained his watchful position near the wall on the left.
As for Lane, he’d been secured at the table.His ferocious glare burned hotter as he bit out, “Aren’t you the fucking observant one?”
Oliver exhaled on a long sigh.“I try to be.But even I miss things.”
Lane’s eyes widened dramatically.“You don’t say?”
“You should drop the dick act so that we can get down to business.I don’t want to be away from your sister for longer than is necessary.”
Lane lunged at him.Instantly, the guard sprang from the wall and clamped his hands on Lane’s shoulders and shoved him back into the seat.Not like Lane would have been able to actually attack Oliver.His chain had been hooked to the floor before his “escort” had left the room.
Oliver just watched the byplay between Lane and the guard with one slowly raising eyebrow.
Lane kept glaring.
The guard didn’t move back.
“Gonna stop lunging?”Oliver asked quietly.
“I want you the hell away from my sister!”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”He waved toward the guard.“He’s good now.”