Page 56 of Buried Under Ice
“No, Memphis.While you were getting your boots at my place, I contacted Memphis to let him know which hotel Nate was using.”Impatience and what could have been a hint of worry slid into his voice as he added, “And then when we were grilling Nate, I sent Memphis a text so he’d know how much time he had here.Memphis had better be done.”
Done with what?
But, as if on cue, Memphis bounded up.He seemingly just appeared from nowhere.
Lark blinked at him.
“The Feds are definitely gonna want to search Nate’s room,” Memphis said as he closed in.His low voice only carried to them.“The man is going over the edge.Got rope in his room, two knives, and her home address written on a notepad right next to his freaking bed.”
Her jaw dropped in shock.
Oliver didn’t say a word, but his whole expression changed.His eyes glittered.His cheeks seemed to sharpen.His jaw tightened, and he spun on his heel.He took a step back toward the doors that led to the hotel’s lobby.
Her hands flew out and curled around his arm to stop him.“Oliver!”
“He’s fucking dead,” Oliver swore.
Memphis coughed.“Uh, buddy, don’t think that is the way an FBI agent is supposed to talk—”
“Not acting as an FBI agent now, am I?”He fired a glance toward Memphis.“He came here to kill her.Instead, he’ll be the one who dies.”A flat promise.
Her chest shook with her heartbeat.“Oliver, this…this isn’t who you are.”
His head leaned in close to her.His lips came near her ear, and, for her alone, he whispered, “Maybe you never knew who I really was.”
She did…didn’t she?
He started to pull away.
She tightened her hold even as her stare jumped to Memphis.“How did you even know what Nate has in his room?”But she had a twisting suspicion.And Oliver’s words of“Memphis had better be done”took on an ominous significance.
Had Memphis broken into Nate’s hotel room?Sure seemed that way to her.
Memphis pursed his lips.“I think you can connect the dots without me making a confession.Actually, judging by your expression, I’d say you are connecting them right now.So, how about you let your boyfriend go so he can kick the jerk’s ass, we can wrap up things here, and we can—”
The sliding doors that led to the lobby opened, and Jase rushed out.Red mottled the right side of his face.“He got away!”Jase shouted.
“What?”Oliver leapt toward him.
“Bastard sucker punched me.”Jase glanced to the left.To the right.“Knocked my ass flat.One minute, he’s sobbing his eyes out.The next he’s swinging.Sonofabitch.”His hand rubbed over his cheek.“Locked me in that stupid room—had to kick open the door to get out.Where the hell is he?”
Oliver spun back to Lark and Memphis.“Get her out of here,” he told Memphis.“Get her back to my place,now.”
Memphis curled an arm around her shoulders.“On it.”
She elbowed him.“You are not on anything!”
Jase had his phone up and was calling someone.Backup?
“Get hotel security on the search,” Oliver instructed Jase.“Get an APB out for Nate Quest.He assaulted you.You also need to check his room right away.Could be hiding in there.”
“Nice,” Memphis murmured as his head bent near Lark.“That gets the Feds in the SOB’s room so they can see that twisted shit in there.”
She shuddered.
“You should really come with me now,” Memphis added, his voice quiet.“Otherwise, Oliver is gonna lose his shit and not be able to concentrate.He seems pretty…emotional to me right now.”
“Get her to safety, Memphis!It’s too open out here!I should never have brought Lark to this hotel.This shit is on me.”Oliver’s hands fisted.“Go with him, Lark.Please.”